Perlo’s terminal network offers free passport options Business


“We are ready to help both our clients and the state. The services provided in our network are used regularly by a large part of the Lithuanian population; we can provide everyone with a free passport,” said Mindaugas Marcinkevičius, director of Perlas Network, the company that manages the terminal network.

It is estimated that around 0.5 million people connect to the Perlo terminal network each month. The population pays around 1.5 million. accounts.

With state support, passports of opportunity on Perlo’s terminal network could be issued from September. The company’s IT team would have 2 weeks to develop the integration with the electronic health system.

“We support this initiative; it is especially relevant for older people, many of whom do not use electronic means of identification.” Perlo terminals operate in all retail chains, and this assistance will be available even to residents of the most remote areas. “says Rūta Vainienė, Director of the Lithuanian Trade Association.

For residents, the process would not be fundamentally different from other services provided in this retail terminal network, such as paying premiums or purchasing insurance policies. A resident who wishes to obtain an opportunity passport would identify himself by telling the operator his first name, last name and personal identification number, and the system would verify if an opportunity passport has been issued. If so, the operator would simply print it out on a standard A4 sheet of paper that a person could carry with them without having to worry about restrictions.

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