Pérez found guilty of the collapse of the Superliga: an obstacle for the England club


The grandiose European Soccer Super League project quickly collapsed after fans of virtually every club wishing to participate in it staged massive protests, and the idea of ​​the league was criticized by both the coaches and the clubs’ players themselves. .

The initiator of the Superliga is the president of Real Madrid Florentino Pérez He blamed the English club for such a rapid collapse of the league. Although he did not specifically name the team, he made it clear that it was Manchester City.

“There was a club in England that doubted the implementation of this idea and those doubts were passed on to other clubs. They signed a contract, but we felt they weren’t sure of the project’s success. Then the whole “avalanche” of withdrawals from England began, “Pérez told The Guardian.

When asked if he was talking about Manchester City, Pérez replied: “One of the Manchester clubs explained that the idea would ‘kill’ the local leagues, that there would be no sporting principles and that the world of football would collapse. Later on, UEFA did its thing when it produced the full show. They reacted as if we had dropped an atomic bomb. Maybe we didn’t explain our concept to them correctly, but they didn’t let us do it. I have never faced such aggression before. “

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