People who no longer have a place to live risk thousands of fines – there are many offers in the ads.


From October 26 of last year to February 7 of this year, the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) inspected more than 2,000 operators to verify compliance with the conditions of the quarantine regime. In 48 cases, it was found that the operators did not comply with the established quarantine conditions, which is about 2 percent of the cases inspected.

Institutions of personal health care, social assistance and welfare, educational institutions, service providers (beauty, saunas, swimming pools, accommodation) and other economic entities (for example, hostels, public transport, etc.) inspected.

In the most popular advertisements you can find dozens of advertisements for similar services. When introducing a journalist, most service providers claim that they currently do not offer services: they charge for future orders, book appointments, etc., but they know that the services are available. The bravest admit that they no longer have anything to live on.

What does a trap expect? Residents risk a fine of 500 to 1,500 euros.

“In case of violations of the quarantine conditions by NVSC officials, administrative liability is applied in accordance with article 45 (4) of the Code of Administrative Offenses. T. y. A fine for natural persons of 500 to 1500 euros and for administrators of legal persons or other responsible persons – from 1500 to 6000 euros ”, the answer was shared by NVSC specialist Austina Vžesniauskaitė.

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NVSC does not impose fines on companies: it produces a report on administrative infractions and sends it to the court with inspection material for the imposition of a fine.

“There were even some cases where sauna activities were declared as public sauna activities for people to meet their hygiene needs. During the inspection, it became clear that they have no agreements with the municipalities regarding people whose need to wash can only be satisfied in a public sauna, ”the NVSC gives an example.

Control of NVSC businesses and residents is assigned by the Public Health Act, NVSC investigates complaints about vulnerable claims.

National Center for Public Health (NVSC)

National Center for Public Health (NVSC)

“The most important thing is that the services that are prohibited are not provided. Nobody forbids offer and reserve times when there will be no restrictions. NVSC reacts and receives inspections after receiving information about the prohibited services provided “, assures the representative of the center.

He added that the police monitor people’s compliance with the established requirements for nasal and oral protection, congregation, driving, etc. In such cases, the State Food and Veterinary Service will verify the compliance of the food business operators with the established requirements.

“NVSC primarily seeks to ensure that economic operators understand the requirements by providing information on a website, orally or in writing (usually by email). 2 percent of those inspected show that only a small part of the economic entities do not comply with the established requirements ”, – the NVSC asks for clarification.

The police have fined 30 times this year, for a total of 45 times

In January alone, the Police Department carried out 24 administrative proceedings against operators for illegal activities during the quarantine. During the month of February, 6 administrative procedures were already started.

“The responsibility is foreseen in article 45 of the Code of Administrative Offenses”, explains the department.

This article establishes that non-compliance with legislation or public health decisions can result in a warning, a fine of between 60 and 140 euros, and the imposition of a fine of 140-600 euros to the managers or managers of the company.

People who no longer have a place to live risk thousands of fines - there are many offers in the ads.

For repeated infringements, a fine of 140 to 600 euros for individuals and 550 to 1200 euros for company administrators is possible.

The maximum fines if the quarantine activity is determined to pose a risk of spreading dangerous or particularly dangerous communicable diseases is up to € 1,500 for residents and up to € 6,000 for business leaders.

“From December 16, 2020, when stricter quarantine requirements came into force, until February 9, 2021, violations committed by 45 economic entities were identified. Between 3 and 7 infractions are detected per week. Various faults are detected: the provision of beauty services, the activities of sports clubs, the activities of public catering establishments and others ”, it is written in the comment.

It is clarified that the mere publication or promotion of services or activities, currently prohibited, does not constitute a reason to institute administrative offenses: “The police are paying attention to violations of the quarantine requirement by economic operators. These controls are carried out in the course of daily operations. “

Masseuse: I work if you don’t tell anyone

Delfi has called several advertisers, but few have decided to speak to a journalist.

An advertisement offers massage services and the comments show positive reviews written after Christmas.

“You can’t, but I’ll work if you don’t tell anyone,” replied the masseuse. We promise to protect your privacy.

The autonomous regretted that it is now very difficult for him.

“It just came to our attention then. I am a masseur, it is not up to the masseurs to work 4 months. Is this how to survive? What I receive for help is € 257, and that’s it. You have to pay for the apartment, you have to pay the office and the office cost me 350 euros a month ”, said the man.

He assured that there really are not many clients.



“People are afraid. There is practically no work. Perhaps there were 5 times as many people before the quarantine,” he said.

The man said he supported the government in the decisions made, but was forced to carry out illegal activities in order to survive.

“The state still knows better how to behave. But how to survive? Well, impossible. Well, done, strict everything. Well, but you cannot survive anymore. And you need to live. The virus is very important, but somehow you need to live So, what do you do? I still don’t have a loan, I don’t owe it to anyone. Well, what about taking credit? How do they live? I can’t imagine it, “the masseur wondered.

Hairdressers say they don’t work, but they know others work

We kept trying to inquire about haircut services, but none of the four hairdressers interviewed admitted that the services were available.

“It just came to our notice then. There is nothing stopping you from posting an ad. (…) You know bad, we run out of money, we sit with the kids and we learn remotely. In my opinion, this ad has been updated since 2013 , when there was still no epidemic. If you think I accept, well it is forbidden. If you allow me, we will work, here is my bread, here is my beloved job “, a hairdresser got angry.

He explained that a haircut, eyebrow manipulation or application of a mask is basic hygiene and assured that there is no high risk of spreading the risk.

Another hairdresser said that she was only looking for clients in preparation for next week, when she promised to allow the activity to resume: “My clients already ask for it when they hear it.”

People who no longer have a place to live risk thousands of fines - there are many offers in the ads.

A third hairdresser, who couldn’t speak, called himself late at night and asked if there was a haircut.

“I am not working at the moment because there are small children, I have no conditions because there is nowhere to put them. But I can’t be responsible for others. They are working, there are mini classrooms at home. One of my clients asked me if I was working, I said no, so he asked me later, maybe he could come see me. I rejected. The next day I called him and asked if I could find someone to cut back. Say yes at a beauty salon. I was amazed at how it was in a beauty salon. And he tells me – no, there he dedicated a room for a haircut at home and called it a beauty salon. But it did not lead to where. It does not reveal secrets. According to the ads, people are calling me, they could direct me, but I’m not sorry, ”said the woman willingly.

He said he waited for opportunities to function normally, to allow children to enter kindergarten.

“Thank God if it is possible on Monday, maybe the children will be accepted into kindergarten because they are still at home. Our kindergarten is such that it does not accept more than 5-6 children, and thank you wherever you want. man is working and doing so much nonsense, “said the hairdresser.

We tried to ask about the gel polish advertised in another ad, but the male voice does not presuppose serious intention. The woman assures that she does not provide services, but has scored since Monday.

The event organizer lives “without benefits”

Calling a woman who offered to organize weddings, celebrations or other events, he assured her that he was not working at the time.

“Applying only for the summer, and during this period, the quarantine period, there were no calls. The announcement is for the summer period, because the situation is already expected to be normal, ”said the woman.

People who no longer have a place to live risk thousands of fines - there are many offers in the ads.

© Photo by R. Tenio

He assured that only the additional income helps to get ahead.

“It just came to our notice then. We are raising three children, there is additional income for the children. I have a disability and receive additional state income. It all consists of, in a way, not dramatizing. Clearly financially rewarding. Can’t say no But it depends on the pandemic, now the virus is controlling us, “said the organizer of the event.

Delfi has already announced that the quarantine will be relaxed from Monday: it will be possible to provide services that last more than 15 minutes, according to space and other requirements, it will be possible to open non-food stores with an area of ​​up to 300 square meters. meters, and that have independent entrances from the outside, to carry out foreign trade (in markets and other places), they can also operate florists, they can carry out individual sports activities outdoors with a monitor.

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