People are in a hurry to test for antibody titers – should you really be alarmed if you feel completely fine after the vaccine?


According to government reports, nearly 40 percent of people in Lithuania are already immune to the coronavirus, some of whom are sick and others have been vaccinated. But more and more people want to make sure they really have antibodies and are tested in private laboratories.

When antibody testing is worthwhile, when not, and why the antibody titers of some people with infections may differ significantly from others, Delfi rytas asked J. Kalibatas, president of the Lithuanian Association of General Practitioners.

“It’s nice to hear that people care about their health and want to know what their immunity is. But of course the results are different. They are different because, however, each person’s immune system is different and responds differently to the vaccine, “said Kalibat.

According to the doctor, it happens that the results differ dozens of times.

“Whatever it is, a high antibody titer indicates that the B lymphocytes have responded to the vaccine, and the production of antibodies has started, and their protection is already there. Therefore, even if the title is lower, one should not be too scared, ”said J. Kalibatas.

The interlocutor of the program explained that different laboratories use different methodologies to test the antibody titer.

“You have to ask yourself what is the norm, according to the methodology of that laboratory. If the antibody titer is higher than normal, that’s okay. This indicates that your immune system has responded and will not enter that 6-8 percent. group when the immune system does not respond to the vaccine, “said Kalibat.

Protection: for at least six months

When asked why these figures differ greatly in some cases, the interviewee explained that there are cases in which the immune system responds very actively.

“But safety depends on how long those antibodies stay in the body. Researchers from all vaccine companies guarantee that you will be protected from coronavirus infection for at least six months, and possibly longer, ”said Kalibat.

However, the doctor stressed that the protection is not one hundred percent.

“However, you can still get infected, so even after vaccination, it is very important to remember that protective measures are necessary. Large concentrations of people should be avoided. Oh, if you go there, wear a respirator or a mask. (…) Hand hygiene. The most important thing is distance, try to be as far away from other people as possible “, advises J. Kalibat.

It takes into account when the booster vaccination will be necessary.

According to the interlocutor of the program, it can be assumed that a higher amount of antibodies would mean that the immunity would also be longer.

“It just came to our attention then. Intense research is going on. I think in a year we will have absolutely all (answers to) questions about how long that immunity lasts, whether the third dose is needed after six months or after eight, and maybe only after a year, ”Kalibat said.

According to the doctor, it is currently believed that a booster dose of the third dose will be needed after six months, and then possibly only every year.

“The coronavirus appears to be becoming an endemic virus. We will have to live with it all the time, get used to it the same way we get used to the flu virus, ”said J. Kalibat.

The immune system has memory

The doctor said that immunity does not develop at all in about 6 to 8 percent. people.

“There are groups at risk in terms of immunity. They are people who take immunosuppressants after an organ transplant. Also people with various autoimmune diseases. People in these groups can develop weaker immunity.

However, even if the antibody test is very low, we know that some of the B lymphocytes turn into memory cells, storing information about the causative agent in their memory. Even if the antibody titer drops to zero, the immune system still remembers when it has the antigen, it has all the information about the virus and it suddenly starts producing antibodies, “said Kalibat.

Where are you?

According to the doctor, the protection is known to be about 80 percent after the first dose of the vaccine.

“Of course, the antibodies have already been formed, but full protection will be given after the second dose of the vaccine. Then there will be a much higher amount of antibodies. Anyone who wants to know how those antibodies are formed can perform antibody tests every month. , for the last month, for two months and then for three months after the second dose, ”said J. Kalibat.

However, the interviewee reiterated that vaccine manufacturers promise protection for at least six months.

“So do an antibody titer after six months and see how many there are,” Kalibat advised.

Response to the vaccine is not an indicator

According to the doctor, it is known that fewer antibodies are found in the body of patients with mild coronavirus.

“The more severe the condition, the stronger the immune system response. In the case of a mild form, the antibody titer must be checked and, if it is zero, the vaccine must be administered,” said Kalibat.

However, if a person felt completely fine after the vaccine, according to the doctor, it does not mean that they did not develop antibodies.

“It just came to our knowledge then. In many cases, there was no reaction and the antibody titers are very significant. And for those who had a reaction, they are not that important,” Kalibat said.

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