Peasants call not even to consider the Public Limited Companies Law: the premise is left to demand adoption


Instead, it is proposed to create preconditions for dealing with same-sex property, representation in the field of health care, etc. matters.

According to the communication group LVŽS, public debate on this issue in the shadow government was stimulated by the association bill drafted by the governors, which copies the 2011 law on the definition of association. The concept of “family” formulated in the ruling of the Constitutional Court is “the concept of family is based on mutual responsibility, understanding, affective attachment, assistance and similar connections of family members and the voluntary will of assume certain rights and responsibilities ”.

According to the “peasants”, the promoters of the Association Law inserted the word “society” instead of the word “family” and left all the peculiarities of the content of the “family” listed in the ruling of the Constitutional Court.

The Shadow Cabinet also notes that while the drafters of the Association Act declare a herd to avoid references to children and the adoption of children, they are simultaneously “creating two types of families, one of which will not have access and, therefore, you can declare discrimination at any time. “

“This means that it creates a precondition for gay couples to defend their rights in court and demand adoption,” communication group LVŽS said in a statement.

R. Clarke – lawyer representing the ECHR and other higher courts, deputy director of ADF International, V. Turonis – lawyer, expert in constitutional law, A. Globys participated in the meeting of the shadow government formed by the Union of Peasants and Lithuanian Greens – Chairman of the Board of the Institute of Free Society, dr. P. Čerka – lawyer, associate professor at Vytautas Magnus University.

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