Passport holders still can’t walk anywhere without a mask


The exception is valid only for those points of sale where visitors only receive an opportunity passport, emphasized R.Vainienė. However, according to her, there are still no such places of exchange between IAEA members.

“I notice a lot of misinformation that only masks are recommended for passport holders. Don’t be fooled! I want to draw everyone’s attention to the fact that masks are still mandatory at all outlets catering to everyone customers (that is, they operate without the passport option).

The memoirs of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania speak about the requirements for companies and do not mean that everyone who has a passport of opportunity can be anywhere without a mask. It can be without a mask ONLY TEN, where the business only serves people with passports of opportunity.

Therefore, I urge you to use the masks correctly and understand the sales personnel who request to comply with the requirements established by the Government and ensure a safe purchase for all, ”expressed R. Vainienė the request. Remember that as of Monday, no more than two people or members of a family can sit at a table in closed catering establishments without a passport, and no more than five people or members of a family can sit outside. The masks must be used without eating.

With the possibility of a passport, the number of people at the table is not limited, as is the self-service food, the distance of two meters and the use of masks are still a recommendation.

In places of commerce and services, in addition to the opportunity passport masks, the requirements for ventilation, disinfection, distances remain valid and the activities with the opportunity passport are carried out freely.

Non-passport events in confined spaces should be held in masks only, people should be divided into sectors of no more than 500, and it should be ensured that flows do not mix.

Spectators must watch the event from their seats, the room cannot be filled more than 75 percent.

With the opportunity passport, the number of participants in the event, both outdoors and indoors, is not limited, and if the number of participants does not exceed 500, you will be able to eat while watching the event from the seats.
