Passenger stabbed and set on fire: Vilnius resident jailed for long for cold-blooded murder


The Vilnius Regional Court announced on Monday that after examining the data collected during the pre-trial investigation and court hearing, there was no question about I. Šakalienė’s guilt after committing a very serious crime that had irreversible consequences.

Judge Jurgita Kolyčienė, who was chairing the three-judge panel, announced that I. Šakalienė, who had not been convicted before, would have to spend 12 years in prison.

The court ruled that I. Šakalienė was only guilty of intentional murder, although she was also charged with illegally disposing of false prescriptions for psychotropic drugs and desecrating the remains of a murdered pensioner. She was acquitted of these allegations because she was unable to use the prescriptions anyway, and by setting the murdered woman on fire, she only sought to cover up the very serious crime committed.

As noted by the panel of judges, which evaluated the circumstances of the case, the deceased pensioner was subjected to multiple cuts and stab wounds: up to 41 traumatic injuries, of which 16 were cuts to the forehead, pubis and both thighs, at least 9 were wounds on the surface of the palms of both hands were affected by at least 15 traumatic effects.

“The court concludes that all of this shows an extremely painful, cruel and devious method of killing the victim, regardless of the severity of the pain felt by the victim,” the judges emphasized in the verdict. – The accusatory conduct confirms that he acted directly, that is, he realized that using violence against the victim in his actions – stabbing her in vital parts of the body – would not only cause various injuries, but would also take her life . The defendant realized that her actions were extremely cruel and devious. This can be judged by the number of wounded, the location, the age of vulnerability of the victim, the situation itself, when he is in the car of the accused, in which he is suddenly attacked, from which he cannot escape ”.

According to the judges, during the court hearing I. Šakalienė “tried to justify his behavior by not remembering the specific circumstances, why he did it, he said it could have been due to the effect of inappropriate medications.”

“The panel of judges observes that the behavior of a person who may have been influenced by self-administered psychoactive substances does not exclude his criminal responsibility, on the contrary, in some cases it is recognized as an aggravating circumstance (for example, intoxication by alcohol, other substances psychoactive) “,. – In this particular case, evaluating both the circumstances of the crime and the personality of I. Šakalienė in the criminal case, a forensic and psychiatric psychological examination was appointed, during which the experts concluded that after examining the state of Šakalienė, she he concluded that he was aware of his behavior and could and his declared non-memory of the alleged crime is merely a subjective version that does not establish an affective state ”.

The victims had declared more than 200 thousand to I. Šakalienė. claims for material and non-material damages. The defendants admitted: “I have no assets, but I will do my best to compensate them and I hope to have the opportunity to work in the Panevėžys prison. It would not be ethical to argue, it is very difficult when that amount, but I am in captivity to pay, but I can not object to people. “

However, the court ruled that I. Šakalienė would have to pay 50 thousand to the three victims. EUR for moral damage and almost 600 EUR for pecuniary damage.

“According to the panel of judges, the children of the deceased suffered extremely difficult spiritual experiences and shock as a result of the death of their mother, their family life changed irreversibly, none of them will have the opportunity to have a relationship with the deceased and this is considered moral damage, “the court said.

According to the judges, the mere situation in which the murdered’s daughter had to acknowledge her abused mother is undoubtedly exceptionally painful and causes particularly painful spiritual experiences, a perception by the victim of irreversible consequences.

This sentence has not yet entered into force: both the convicted person and the victims and prosecutors who have supported the Public Ministry may file appeals if they do not agree with the court’s conclusions.

The court that examined the criminal case stated that I. Šakalienė’s guilt was based not only on the evidence of the police officers gathered during the pre-trial investigation, but also on the confession of the accused herself. The woman admitted that she had committed a very serious crime not immediately, just before taking the case to court. Until then, she was silent.

“Now that I think about what happened, it seems to me that it did not happen to me,” the woman who graduated in history told the court.

For everything that happened, she blamed her mental health, although during the pre-trial investigation, experts found that the woman was healthy, aware of what she had done and could be held responsible for her actions. This was also confirmed by the doctors during the trial.

According to the file, on July 17 of last year. I. His burned body was found in Verkiai Park, in a remote wooded area; there were many stab wounds and wounds on the body of the murdered person. Part of the assassin’s personal belongings were found at the scene, but there were no documents proving his identity and the body was covered with tree branches and burned beyond recognition.

Experts found that the retiree had suffered at least 41 injuries, her throat cut with a knife. In addition, the woman was strangled.

During the pre-trial investigation, I. Šakalienė did not speak about the crimes against him for ten months, but he unexpectedly admitted it before transferring the case to court. She also did not plead guilty in court: she admitted that she had starved to death a retiree who had not even known her before, and then set her body on fire.

“But I didn’t want to burn it, I wanted to burn everything out of my head,” said I. Šakalienė.

She said that she had not worked for the last two months before the crime because she was feeling very bad and had a disagreement with her husband that July, she had not slept all night and was waiting until dawn. Around 8 pm he got in his car and drove into town; on the way he saw a woman standing at a bus stop, braking cars.

“An old woman was standing by the side of the pavement, I stopped, opened the window, the woman asked me if I was not going to the city,” said I. Šakalienė. – This woman sat in my car next to me, we drove and at some point I turned around from the back seat to take my bag and the phone I had inside, which rang. I’ve had a knife in this bag for a while … I don’t know why I gave up, it all happened very briefly, for a few moments and then I realized that I was doing something terrible. It wasn’t even immediately clear what had happened: I dropped the knife to the ground, the car’s engine had already stopped …

I can’t explain why now, but I realized the need to hide that body. There was a forest around, so I entered through the first entrance until a small crack appeared. So I opened the door, took the lady out of the car and, standing in front of her, I remembered that I had bought a flammable liquid. I didn’t want to burn that body, I wanted to burn it out of my head. I wanted to erase this situation from my memory, that was my reaction, as if I wanted to deny it and show that it did not happen. “

After burning the murdered man, I. Šakalienė went home, but on the way he saw that there were blood clots on the carpet.

“It was terrible and disgusting, I saw blood clots on the mat, they had to be cleaned somehow, so I hosed it down and came home; it was not visually stained with blood,” said I. Šakalienė.

Then he went to the store because he was going to prepare dinner for his son, but on his way back home from the mall he saw many policemen.

“I was very scared, I thought something had happened to my son, I did not link the appearance of the officers at the house with my actions, so I ran towards them and asked them what had happened, and then they arrested me,” he said. “I was locked in a car, I had a phone for a while and I called my friend, said I was arrested and I don’t know why.”

I. Šakalienė could not explain why he killed the pensioner, but admitted that due to his serious health, this outbreak of violence could have occurred at any time and in front of anyone.

He apologized to the victims in the courtroom: “I really want to apologize to my loved ones; I am very sorry for their mother, I will try to make it up to them in some way.”

I. Šakalienė also admitted that she kept prescriptions at home and in her purse, which she intended to use to buy psychotropic drugs; he used them for some time due to his health.

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