Part of the self-employed stayed on the sidelines: feeling invisible without receiving support, selling properties


Last year she was considered a victim, this year she was not

Neringa with her husband since 2014. began to dedicate herself to renting apartments for the short term. The couple rent four apartments to tourists in Vilnius Old Town and another in Nida. After the first quarantine closed the borders and stopped the arrival of tourists from abroad, the two lost their main source of income.

In spring, like other self-employed in crisis, they were paid a monthly subsidy of 257 euros, but this year the family no longer receives support, since they have been eliminated from the list of victims of COVID-19.

“In the spring, I received a letter from the State Tax Inspection (STI) telling me that he was affected by a pandemic. The man has also started receiving support since November. We both received it in January of this year. January 20 issued a ruling that as of January 1. we are no longer on the list of victims, and we are tragically affected, like hotels, cities are closed, no one comes. It hurts a lot, “says Neringa.

“Until the new year, the old government still considered us victims because we really suffered, and now everything is zero,” he added.

The woman admits that renting an apartment in Nida helped her stay a bit in the summer, but at the moment she is not receiving any income.

Part of the self-employed stayed on the sidelines: feeling invisible without receiving support, selling properties

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

No orders in a few months

Arūnas of Telšiai faced the same situation. Dedicated to construction finishing work. In early February, she received a letter from the Employment Service stating that she was no longer entitled to a freelance grant this year. Until then, he received 257 euros a month.

“She was extremely upset, I called all possible ministries, including Armonaitė itself. She told me that the builders were working on it for her. I understand that there is work in the capital, but Vilnius is not all of Lithuania. In the cities more small, Mažeikiai, Plungė, Telšiai, we have been experiencing a crisis for a year and a half.

During the summer, when it is usually the work year, everything was prospering, it was so elegant it was scary. We put out ads, commercials, but I didn’t get a single call in three or four months. There is no work, people are afraid. The province’s economy is completely stagnant. For some reason, hairdressers are in the first place, and everything else does not exist, we are invisible, ”says Arūnas.

“I pay taxes – I declared income during the last year, in the spring I deducted about 800 euros from my account,” he added.

The interlocutor assures that his situation is critical. The man is trying to get away with selling personal property.

“I had an old car, I sold it to my neighbors in installments for 600 euros. Last month I got 200 Eur, now I got the same and will have another fight. That is all my money. (…) I will sell a piece of land in Plungė, an old farm, maybe I will get a thousand euros. They tell me to go to the Department of Attention and Welfare, so I have to humiliate myself, “he says.

“I want to survive, but I will not work illegally; you put up ads, you are visible to the public and then you get fined,” he thinks.

Interior decoration with clay plaster.

Interior decoration with clay plaster.

Arūnas says that he is not alone in a similar situation, other builders in the region do not have a job either. It is true that the day before he unexpectedly managed to earn 50 euros, but no further work is planned.

“It is enough to go to the building materials store in style. An unexpected job appeared yesterday: I went with my brother to glue the tiles, we got 50 euros each. I see that repairs are also needed in the room, I suggested to that person They say they can’t go to the store and inspect the laminate, they won’t touch the Internet and they can’t go into the stores. He handed me the materials through the shop door and I handed him the money. That’s absurd, “says Telšiškis.

More than 100 thousand. include the self-employed in the list of victims

STI on February 11. According to the data, there are currently 101,749 residents who carry out individual activities, which are included in the lists of victims of COVID-19.

Currently, 244 freelancers are engaged in individual short-term rental activities with a commercial license, that is, rural tourism services, bed and breakfast services.

According to the individual activity certificate, the short-term rental is occupied by 1370 inhabitants, that is, accommodation, vacation and other short-term accommodation activities.

Currently 11,555 freelancers carry out finishing work based on an individual certified activity.

Employment service: these people are no longer on the victim list

The Employment Service (UT) indicates that as of 2021. January 1 The benefits can be received by the self-employed whose activities have been restricted due to a state of emergency declared by the Government and quarantine and are included in the list of restricted activities approved by the Government.

According to the representative of UT, Milda Jankauskienė, the benefit will no longer be paid to Neringa and Arūnas, since these people no longer meet the conditions to receive the benefit, that is, they are not included in the list of self-employed ITS recognized as victims emergency and quarantine.

Ministry: Support is given to those most affected

Edita Banienė, head of the Communications Division of the Ministry of Social Security and Labor, points out that the new Government seeks to allocate state support funds to those most affected by the pandemic. According to her, the goal is for support to be as specific as possible.

Freelancers continue to receive an allowance of € 260 during the emergency and quarantine period if they meet the following conditions:

• Self-employment has been registered for at least 3 months in 12 months and has not been canceled until the date of the declaration of quarantine and emergency;
• Due to restrictions on economic activities, the person is included in the list of Self-Employed Victims of COVID-19 restrictions published by the State Tax Inspection;
• The remuneration received by virtue of an employment contract or equivalent legal relationship does not exceed € 642 “on paper”.

“Both short-term rental and construction finishing work during the quarantine are not restricted, so employees can carry out such activities independently,” says the ministry representative.

Part of the self-employed stayed on the sidelines: feeling invisible without receiving support, selling properties

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

New planned support for freelancers

According to E. Banienė, the Ministry of Social Security and Labor and the Ministry of Economy and Innovation listen to the fears and anguish due to the loss of income of the self-employed who were not included in the list of self-employed affected by COVID -19 restrictions published by the STI. Therefore, a new measure of state support for the self-employed has already been planned.

New subsidies are planned for the population engaged in individual activities and working in accordance with business licenses; they can reach 100%. 2019 personal income tax paid. The STI will begin to distribute this subsidy to the self-employed at the end of this month.

The self-employed affected by a pandemic can also benefit from the following state aid measures:

• The self-employed may defer contributions to Sodra without interest if their activities are included in the list of victims of the COVID-19 restrictions published by the STI.

• The self-employed are temporarily exempt from payment of the PSD (they must pay contributions for the quarantine period within 2 years). Even without paying PSD, these residents can receive medical care.

If self-employment is not included in the list of COVID-19 victims, but the self-employed person is experiencing financial difficulties, he or she may request the STI to apply fiscal aid measures. Regardless of when the application is submitted, the aid measures will be applied from 1 January once the application has been granted.

People with financial difficulties can apply to the municipality of their place of residence for social assistance in cash: social benefits, compensation for heating and water costs. In determining eligibility for this support, property owned is temporarily not valued.

Municipalities also have the option of providing additional social support (specific, targeted, periodic, conditional benefits, or another type of social support) if the situation requires it.

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