Paradox in one of the Lithuanian cities: unemployment is almost the same as in 2008, but there are no people who want to work


Recently, the times have passed when not infrequent families turned to social benefits and did not look for another source of livelihood. This summer, this lifestyle seems to become attractive again.

Genė, 57, who lives in the Panevėžys district, was happy the last time he visited the Employment Service and found that he would receive an additional € 200 every month for six months, in addition to the previous social benefit. Her unemployed husband will also supplement the family budget. As a result, the couple no longer plan to seek daily jobs with local farmers this summer. Your own garden, livestock, and additional state benefits will allow you to live for a while without bending your back.

“Along with the unemployment benefit, I will receive more than 300 euros. A man will get approximately the same amount. We have enough in the field,” Genė calculated.

However, the resident of the Panev distritožys district did not dare to publish the surname.

“It just came to our attention then. You know how jealous people are,” Genė explained.

The priority is work

Tadas Kuodis from Panevėžys, who has been searching for a source of livelihood for a year, has also heard of the aid and support measures that went into effect on June 12 when she received a temporary job search benefit, even if she doesn’t have right to unemployment benefits. He says he is still interested in getting that money, but Tad’s priority is finding a job. A Panevėžys resident would invest an additional social assistance benefit unless they are in a family car.

“Work forces you to leave home, socialize, accumulate work experience, and even increase disability benefit. For me, a child with a disability, this is very important. I have worked in many places, but I have not found anything for years, rarely does anyone want to accept an employee with a mobility disability, “says T. Kuodis, whose job search ad appeared on social media.

Here, recently, job vacancy requests appear less and less frequently.

Terrifying disability

T. Kuodis acquired the specialty of a computer equipment adjuster, but he would not refuse to work in the store either. But when he goes to job interviews, he hears apologies and arguments about why he can’t be hired.

“It seems like I could really sell appliances in the salon, consult customers, it would be more difficult for me to download the products. I tried to request a salon from the telecom company. He invited me for an interview, but he saw the wheels and apparently thought that I was not a representative of the company. I was quick to apologize, to explain that it would take a lot of movement at work, although, from what I could see, nobody in those rooms got up from the chair, “says Tadas.

A Panevėžys resident with a family is now forced to pay a disability benefit of € 283. His wife suffers with almost no days off, even on night shifts, and receives a salary of around € 400 a month for such hard work.

“How to survive with so much money for young people?” Asks the Panevėžys resident.
He is also looking for work through the Employment Service, but here, according to the unemployed, so far there is no benefit.

“The answer is always the same, there is no job and I should try to find it myself. But I am still registered with the Employment Service to be eligible, if necessary, for any social enterprise that receives state subsidies for the disabled. Only for those employers in Panevėžys are they the best deaf and walkers, ”said the unemployed.

Paradox in one of the Lithuanian cities: unemployment is almost the same as in 2008, but there are no people who want to work

© Sekundė.lt

It is a difficult time for companies.

According to data from the Employment Service, there are eight social enterprises in Panevėžys and they are now actively looking for employees. Speaking of employers, you wouldn’t believe that after the quarantine in Panevėžys, unemployment ends up reaching levels as high as in 2008-2009. after the world economic crisis.

“During quarantine, we did not feel any significant change in our activities, we worked the same way as before, we had orders. It is true that we did not avoid downtime, but the tax deferral was lost. Now we are recovering quickly and looking for employees, and with them, strange as it may seem, it is now very difficult. The unemployed are very passive with the new job offers, “says Sonata Aleliūnienė, director of the social company Eldesa, which offers cleaning services.

According to her, it is obvious that the people of Panevėžys are determined to take a vacation with money from the state for some time.

“This summer will be very difficult for us because of the employees,” the director no longer doubts.
Virginija Andrejauskaitė, CFO of the large company Panevėžys Asistemos, also supported him. The company looked for ten employees through the Employment Service and received a response that there are not even applicants.

“Look at what’s going on in the Employment Service: People fill out benefit documents when they go to bed, they don’t look for a job. And they’ll get extra for kids. There’s no chance to recruit new Employment Service employees in the coming months.” says V. Andrejauskaitė.

The army of the unemployed is growing.

Unemployment has recently increased in most of Lithuania, including in 53 of the 60 municipalities. A total of 209.4 thousand people are currently registered in the country. unemployed, which is 12.1%. of the country’s working-age population and 0.1 percent. more than it was a week ago. Since the announcement of the quarantine on March 16, the number of unemployed in Lithuania has increased by 49,000, or by a third.

Of the five main cities in the country, the majority of the unemployed are in Panevėžys.
Unemployment here has already reached 12.8 percent. Currently, 6223 Panevėžys residents are looking for work through the Employment Service. Unemployment in the Panevėžys district reaches 12.4 percent. Employers in the city alone offered 181 job openings last week.

Source: Employment Service

Source: Employment Service

Offered to live off the benefits

Alvydas Sipavičius, advisor to the Panevėžys Customer Service Department of the Employment Service, speculates that in the capital of Aukštaitija, people who worked independently with a business license or otherwise may have increased unemployment. Now they are registering en masse as unemployed.

“Starting this month, unemployed job seekers will receive 200 euros a month, and freelancers, even after leaving the first, will receive 257 euros per month for another two months after quarantine.” If the family still receives a one-time quarantine benefit for the children, a considerable amount is paid, ”calculated A. Sipavičius.

The employment service, like employers, already fears that such state compensation will lead to difficult times. It is not ruled out that there will be registered unemployed people who will abuse work.

“Of course, if you turn down a job offer, you run the risk of leaving the Employment Service, but I think some people still won’t go over it with the job search – this place will be too far away, this salary will be too low.” When we said out loud that the unemployed would start living on benefits again, we were offered to try to survive on our own. Apparently, the government sees better what the state needs, “said A. Sipavičius.

Employee a quarter less

After the entry into force of the amendment to the Employment Law, which entitles a person who has lost his job to receive not only the unemployment benefit, but also the job search benefit, 65.9 thousand people have already done so presented. unemployed. This is more than a third of all currently registered unemployed.

During the last week, with the mediation of specialists from the Employment Service, only 3.1 thousand people were helped to find employment in Lithuania. unemployed and this is even 24.4%. less than a week ago
