Panevėžys doctors have named two ways to protect against coronavirus: one of them is not recommended


To make it easier for people to decide whether to get vaccinated or not, they need to know how terrible and insidious the disease is, what the undesirable and sometimes incompatible effects are, and how important it is to protect against COVID-19 infection.

We are discussing these and other issues with the director of the Republican Hospital Panevėžys Arvydas Skorupskas, the deputy director of medical affairs dr. Mindaugas Vaitkus, Head of the Department of Resuscitation and Intensive Care Arūnas Valikonis and Head of the Eugenijus Preidius Infectious Diseases Clinic.

The hospital felt the effect of the vaccine.

Arvydas Skorupskas, director of the Republican Panevėžys Hospital, says that hospital staff are already convinced of the benefits of COVID-19 vaccines. “The world is so tangled that every 100 years there are major pandemics. If 100 years ago it was very difficult for humanity to fight these diseases because there were no vaccines yet, today people already have that only weapon: vaccines, and only with their help we can protect ourselves, our loved ones, society and have the opportunity to return to life before the pandemic.

It is possible not to get vaccinated, but then we will have to live in long-term and risky conditions in the living conditions and limitations that we are currently experiencing, or even worse. The best example of the effective effect of the vaccine is the Republican Hospital of Panevėžys. 2020 December. more than 400 hospital staff members were ill, and many of them were still isolated, so there was a real risk that all hospital work would be disrupted as the staff needed to treat our patients began to suffer severely. catastrophic.

On December 27, with the start of vaccination in the country, more than 1,200 hospital employees were vaccinated, the rest of the staff gained natural immunity, that is, in 2021. March. he already had more than 90 percent immunity. hospital staff. The massive illness of workers with COVID-19 has come to an end and only isolated cases of illness have been reported affecting only workers who have not been vaccinated.

Therefore, we can be the best example for all residents of the Panevėžys region that vaccines are the right way to a better life. Once again, I urge everyone to get actively vaccinated and not listen to irresponsible statements about bad vaccines: all vaccines used in Lithuania are of reliable quality, they protect against the complicated disease COVID-19.

Symptoms? When we are vaccinated against other diseases, we also experience pain at the injection site and a slight increase in body temperature, because all this is a natural reaction of our body to the vaccine, which happens quickly. These COVID-19 vaccines are not different from all other vaccines and do not cause special side effects that would be dangerous to human health and life, ”says A. Skorupskas.

Preparing for a worst case scenario

Arūnas Valikonis, head of the Department of Resuscitation and Intensive Care, says that the situation in the medical institution is not bad at the moment, but the observed trends force to prepare for a wave of new patients. “The Hospital’s Resuscitation and Intensive Care Unit treats the most severe COVID patients: 19 patients with severe pulmonary failure and severe respiratory failure.

These symptoms usually develop 2-3 weeks after the onset of the disease. This year there are 6 patients in our ward; This is not the worst situation, but since the situation in the country is gradually deteriorating, we will probably have to prepare for a worse scenario. We need to know that if you become infected with this infectious disease, you will feel general weakness for some time, respiratory failure due to lung damage, and your ability to work will decrease.

Often times, patients with a severe form of COVID-19 who are already recovering remain in our ward due to pre-existing severe respiratory failure. Vaccination is the only tool that can help prevent high morbidity and high mortality, because finding a way out when a severe form of the disease already exists is not the best solution ”, says A. Valikonis.

Postcovidin syndrome clamps

Eugenijus Preidis, director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic, recalls that coronavirus infection has long-lasting consequences. “Our clinic currently treats 42 patients with COVID-19 diseases. However, we have no reason to be complacent: this period of a few weeks can be very critical as the British and South African varieties of diseases are spreading throughout the world. country.

Unfortunately, diseases of these varieties have already been identified in Panevėžys. It is necessary to know that after developing this coronavirus disease, there is also the so-called postcovidial syndrome, which manifests itself in decreased work capacity, fatigue, memory disorders, nervousness, muscle aches, increased heart rate, jump of blood pressure. These sensations can last up to 6 months.

Patients who also have pneumonia are often forced to consult pulmonologists and receive treatment for quite a long time with their help. We understand that people are tired of quarantine, of restrictions, so it often feels like a moment of relaxation: less protection, not always and not everywhere wearing a protective mask, not always observing the necessary social distance, not always observing the necessary hygiene. requirements.

This is, believe me, a very dangerous and very costly manifestation of indifference towards this threatening infectious disease. To be safe and, at the same time, protect our family members and those around us, we have no right to ignore the requirements of the quarantine period and not hesitate to get vaccinated if the opportunity arises ”, says E .Preidis.

Two ways to protect yourself against infection

Deputy Director of Medical Affairs Mindaugas Vaitkus states that there are only two ways to gain immunity to the disease. “How not to get COVID – 19 There are two ways to get the disease, get immunity and stop getting it later, or get vaccinated when a person is immune to the virus with the help of a vaccine. So who do we want?

Do we want the disease to occur and, God forbid, we go to resuscitation and we have no real guarantee of a full recovery, or do we vaccinate and have the same or even greater immunity and, even in the case of COVID-19, we avoid forms more serious of the disease. We have to decide and make our own decisions. The virus has not disappeared and probably will not disappear for a long time: it adapts to survive, it gets angry, it spreads, it mutates, the virus wants to live, but it can only live by passing from person to person through the respiratory tract and in no other way.

So, to protect ourselves against it, we must cover our mouth and nose so as not to inhale it, observe social distance, use disinfectants, and observe basic hygiene. After COVID-19, the human body recovers for a long time (shortness of breath, shortness of breath), but today there is no cure for this waste: the body has to fight on its own.

The disease is particularly damaging to the lungs when it enters the airways. After that, the recovery period is long and severe, with no injuries covering all of the lungs. The man suffocates, the whole organism, the heart, the brain, and no device can provide the oxygen that is so much needed. The only reliable and protective action today, in my deep conviction, is vaccination. All vaccines work equally well: they are tested, certified, effective and safe ”, says the doctor about the vaccine.
