Panev patientžys with COVID-19 is open: at first I cried because I did not know what would happen next


As reported by the Panevėžys City Municipality on August 4, no new cases of COVID-19 have been diagnosed in the city during the last day. Meanwhile, 2 cases of the disease were detected on August 1 and 2 on August 2. Currently 35 people are ill in Panevėžys and another 3 in Panevėžys district.

Currently, three residents of Panevėžys infected with COVID-19 are being treated at the Republican Hospital of Panevėžys. Others follow established safeguards and allow for a mandatory quarantine period at home.

That he got infected he didn’t realize right away

A resident of Panevėžys infected with coronavirus agreed to speak with journalists from the JP news portal.

Chamomile infected with the COVID-19 virus (the woman’s name is known to the editorial board) is a woman of working age. He isolated himself at home with his family. Because COVID-19 has infected all members of the family.

“I did not immediately realize that I had coronavirus. At first my side started to hurt, but I have that problem and I thought it was nothing. Later, the temperature jumped abruptly, to 38.5 degrees. Ever since I was at the baptism, I thought I was catching a cold while driving home – the car had air conditioning. I didn’t think it was COVID-19, but I thought it was the simplest flu. However, when similar symptoms happened to others, I was alarmed and after consulting with the doctors I took a test. Since the test was positive, I understood that she was fed up, ”Ramunė began.

The symptoms are different

Panevėžys said he felt a general weakness.

“I didn’t have all the strength and I just wanted to lie down and lie down. The husband fell ill and then the daughter. Now in self-isolation, the whole family. Since my daughter got sick at the latest, after consulting with the doctors, we decided to stay in quarantine almost until mid-August, ”Panevėžys explained, continuing:

“By the way, the symptoms of a man’s illness are completely different. For him, the temperature had only risen to only 37.2 degrees and his head hurt, his appetite disappeared. In addition, I also noticed that the receptors of taste and smell they disappeared with the onset of the disease. Now he has recovered and the temperatures are no longer high. And here a colleague who was also infected with the virus did not feel any symptoms. I do not think that the coronavirus has the same symptoms, they are different for everyone “.

Panev patientžys with COVID-19 is open: at first I cried because I did not know what would happen next

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

Tormented ignorance

According to Ramune, the scariest moment was when we had to wait for the test results.

“Then I cried” It was scary because I didn’t know what would happen next, how would I have to live? Will I never get sick again if I get sick? I still survived a lot thanks to the family. Ignorance torments … The feelings were of all kinds. It is true that it has been proven that children contract the coronavirus more easily. The temperature was not high for her daughter and her appetite did not go away. I have noticed that this virus activates the weakest part of the body affected by a disease, ”said a woman with COVID-19.

No special treatment

When asked what medications Panevėžys had taken when he felt the first signs of the disease, Ramune explained:

“Since at first I thought it was the flu and the high temperature, I took paracetamol. Later – herbal tea. There are no drugs for the coronavirus or special treatment. When the symptoms of the disease have subsided, I am calmer. There is no such weakness anymore, so one can suffer. In addition, the appetite also appeared. I have already lost 3 pounds. I’m lighter, which is good. “

Feel the medical concern

A Panevėžys resident infected with the COVID-19 virus says there is no doubt that it is necessary to wear protective masks and wash hands frequently.

“It just came to our knowledge then. No one can say when and when a person will get sick. You need to take care of yourself and then protect others. I was diagnosed with the disease in three days, and when you know that there are asymptomatic cases, caution is not a shame. ”Ramunė said convincingly and spared no kind words to the Panevėžys doctors:

“I felt a lot of medical concern. It provided test results very quickly. After that, he called almost every day and asked about her well-being. In addition, he even called from the Ministry of Health ”.

Established rules must be followed

According to Ramune, although it is not bad to isolate himself at home, he is already thinking about the end of the quarantine.

“There is something to do at home and for a long time it has been an opportunity to be with the family. He just wishes this period will end soon. We follow all the rules and not a step from home. There are enough observers. There was even someone complaining that I had gone to work. It is good that people react, but it is necessary to follow the rules established during the pandemic and I will not break them, health is the most important thing, “said Panevėžys, and said he was waiting for the day when he would receive a test negative and could go to work.
