Paluck, who just got a Conservative vote in Utena with 5 votes: maybe this is a lesson


Evaluating his unprecedented fight in the Utena constituency, G. Paluckas said the situation was very interesting and that the counting and recalculation of votes was riddled with conspiracy theories.

“It just came to our knowledge then. When you say that one voice means nothing, perhaps it is a lesson that you should try with one voice,” says the president of the LSDP on Delfi Day.

“It just came to our knowledge then [biuletenių], now 7 more have gone somewhere. Life is fun, it still has the ability to surprise ”, he adds.

According to Paluck, he considers that his performance in the elections is not bad: “After the first round, the advantage was almost 10%. We have been able to close that gap and almost double our votes. “

But the party, he said, turned out worse than expected. “We are not really happy, our expectations were higher and the results can be considered poor. Whatever the reasons for this, we will discuss it,” promises G. Paluckas.

Paluck talks about plans to resign as president of the party and recalls that elections are scheduled for May.

“It just came to our notice then. I have really tried very hard to try to bring the party to the left of the European left and I see really good achievements. Of course, mistakes have been made.”

According to him, the newly elected Socialist Group will meet on Wednesday. On his own plans, he would work on the Seimas Economic Committee and, according to G. Paluckas, the “peasants” should take the lead in the opposition.

“I have no doubt that the burden must first be borne by the ‘peasants’, and I have no doubt that they will. The leader of the opposition will be decided after everyone has consulted, apparently we will see a rotation for four years by a representative of one faction, after which the others will take those positions. The Prime Minister, in my head, is very tired, maybe he will pass the baton on to someone else, this is a matter of consensus, ”says G. Paluckas.

He does not rule out that even working in the opposition, the Social Democrats may support some of the provisions of the new government’s program.

“If we see our provisions in the government’s program, we will also support them.” We are definitely not going to marry the opposition factions, “says the politician.

In naming the first works in the Seimas, G. Paluckas mentions the evaluation of the provisions of the Government’s program, next year’s budget, and pandemic management measures, which, in his opinion, are currently being introduced too late.

“I think my fellow ‘campesinos’ have adhered to these measures. When the statistics were ten times higher than in the spring, not taking action was certainly irresponsible, and it was about elections, probably more activity, or trying to lure our voters to the polls. Now we have consequences and the choice of means is very limited: we will have to change our habits, have less fun and protect our health and that of others, ”says G. Paluckas.

“If we all get together and don’t shave our mouths during basketball competition, maybe that’s enough. Closing the economy would cost us a disproportionate amount, we can’t afford it. We are already offsetting the effects of the first wave with borrowed funds. We will not support the type of quarantine that existed in the spring, we will not support our economy, our jobs, so we will really catch up and we will not make a destination behind our mustache, ”says the president of the LSDP on the Delfi Day program.

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