Paluck calls absurd proposals from business representatives to differentiate MMA by age


“It just came to our knowledge then. This is the argument that” this is the case abroad. “However, in developed economies, the minimum living wage is double that in Lithuania. At that time, nobody he lives with us on the minimum wage. Therefore, people emigrate or seek solutions by working two or three jobs, “said G. Paluckas.

According to him, the arguments that sound about why the minimum wage should be differentiated are null and void.

“It is said that for young people it would be a kind of exchange. Understand that you will gain experience doing the same job for less. These are outright tales and nonsense. What experience can we talk about when working in an unskilled job? Similar and similar proposals only reduce the motivation of young people to work, ”said G. Paluckas.

The proposal to differentiate the minimum wage according to age was included in the agenda of the meeting of the Tripartite Council of the Lithuanian Business Confederation.

According to her, some European countries use the practice of differentiating MMA according to different age groups (United Kingdom, Ireland, Netherlands), finding that young people under 25 receive lower MMA than other workers due to lack of work experience and when studying in institutions of general education or higher education.

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