Palanga’s crime statistics are staggering: Are “drinkers,” bloody fights, and tourist novels obsolete?


According to statistics alone, the number of public order violations and vandalism in Palanga has decreased by almost half during the year. Last year there were 56 crimes committed in public places, violations of public sustainability – 14, traffic accidents – 8.

Algirdas Budginas, the head of the Palanga Police Station, says that not only are the statistics showing changes, but the number of tourists arriving is also changing. If in the past there were more young people who wanted to have fun until dawn, lately the demand for real estate has been growing, and the number of families that acquire real estate in Palanga, whose leisure needs are already different, is increasing. Also, the “Wild West Saloon” club, formerly known as the “drinker”, did not stick around. Of course, holiday flows have also adjusted for the global pandemic.

“It is a complex matter, we cannot write down the changes for one thing, it is a complex of all phenomena. Clearly, it cannot be ruled out that the corona virus also contributes. The movement of people over the years has become a little less restricted. People’s mindsets are also changing. People have been to Europe, to other beautiful countries in the world with a high level of culture, which brings those good qualities and good examples here ”, says the head of the Palanga Police Station.

The Wild West Saloon used to be almost the most popular place for police visits. Budgin says there are now little incidents in the bars.

“It just came to our knowledge then. Of course, we inform certain bodies, we do not shut up if the reports are confirmed and we seek measures to eliminate or at least reduce the number of infractions of this type. Whatever the incidents, the majority are They produce in public spaces. The bars can be counted on their fingers to see if there have been serious fights. I don’t even remember when there were really serious fights; if there are, there are stays. There have been conflicts this summer, our officials are responding to such reports with lightning speed, arriving after a minute and there is practically nothing left on the report site. It is difficult to qualify such events as serious fights when officials did not even see them. Statistics show that there are still conflicts, but there have been no serious consequences this summer, ”says A. Buginas, who patrols Palanga often.

Palanga’s chief of officials makes no secret that a huge force of patrols also serves a calmer life in the resort. Some law enforcement officers patrol on foot, others on skates, and the latest “transport” this year is on horseback.

“The more uniformed officers who have the right to discipline the offender have a positive impact. When an official has visited, the probability of a violation is minimized. We also have many followers of the police, who came from all over Lithuania. We give them a place to live at the police station and a chance to eat. Police sponsors volunteer to assist officers in the performance of their duties. The sponsors patrol day and night, they are very willing to contribute to the maintenance of public order. I want to be happy that there are such people and that they are doing such unpaid work with such enthusiasm. It’s nice to see and hear positive feedback about your work. If the guests who visit Palanga continue to behave, we are heading in the right direction. Sure, you can’t move on before the summer is over, but so far you haven’t faced any serious challenges. In addition, officers who patrol with horses receive a lot of attention from vacationers, people take photos with them, in Birut Bir Park many people have seen our horses ”, says the head of the Palanga Police Station, adding that this transport Ecological also shows that officials are willing to contribute to the conservation of nature.

The interlocutor shares that he receives daily information about what is happening in Palanga: every morning in a meeting with subordinates a daily plan is discussed, it is discussed the day before and does not shy away from patrolling the seashore and supervising the order.

“We try to visit the points where alcohol is sold from 10 am to see what the situation is or if there is a need for more traffic supervision. The patrols also visit more remote parts of the center, and are also supervised to ensure that freight traffic does not circulate unnecessarily through the old town. Also, we have to work with the lifeguards more often in the summer. Our people work with city cameras, we have 28 cameras. I personally try to cross the coast from Palanga to Šventoji 2-3 times a week, so I can safely say that the situation has changed for the better. Previously, a few years ago, vacationers, who came to the sea, settled on bottles of alcoholic beverages, they did not avoid bringing liquors and consuming them in a public place. Now that there is no such image, it happens that I drive for several days and I no longer see that there are people who have demonstrated and have consumed at least some alcohol. There is already another level, another culture. People understand the need to follow order ”, says the interlocutor.

At night, the force of the officers increases already closer to cafes and bars. Rollers, electric tricycles, horse patrollers, and volunteers watch people have fun. The official notes that Palanga has also become a place for short-term entertainment.

“More and more people who choose a home in Palanga are no longer the ones who came in the afternoon and left in the morning. The city has become a place of family recreation. Palanga is no longer a place for short-term adventure. I don’t notice the increase and the number of people sleeping in cars. There may be some of these cases, but perhaps a person really needs to rest and not sleep there out of ill will. In the mornings when I ride my bike, I have to see like-minded antisocial people picking up dumpsters. It is the choice of a person, their life and I think they earn a considerable amount. We had some reports right in the middle of such antisocial people consuming alcohol in public, but they know they won’t make fun of the police. We manage, as in any city, we register infractions and we work preventively with vacationers ”, says A. Buginas.

The change of view of Palanga is welcomed by those who have visited it for a long time since they entered the city. The streets have been rebuilt, more roundabouts have appeared, and Palanga’s grandmothers no longer come across signs offering cheap accommodation. Perhaps only the loud music that kept the “business card” in the bars survived. So for those who want a noisy break, just without bloody fights: J. Basanavičiaus street
is still the biggest attraction.

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