P. Kibiša – on exhausting heat, vaccines and non-vaccines


Kaunas leads among the largest Lithuanian cities in terms of the number of people vaccinated. The municipality and the hospitals try to create the best possible conditions for vaccination: Open days are held on Thursdays at the Ice Palace Vaccination Center, and mobile vaccination buses are on duty in the main supermarkets of the city.

In the Kauno diena study, a conversation between the journalist Gražvydas Muizis and the director of the Kaunas Municipal Polyclinic Paulius Kibiša about the exhausting heat, vaccinations, the vaccination bus and the current procedure.

– Are there ways to adapt, get used to the heat? How to protect your health?

– Ancient methods: drink more fluids, choose light and light clothing, stay away from hot spots. It is important not to overheat, if possible, to avoid strenuous physical work at noon.

If a driver does not undergo a medical check, he cannot drive; nobody says it is discrimination.

– We are not used to the heat, but it seems that the weather dictates its conditions, and we will have to accept it.

– A few years or a few years ago, I remember when one day the temperature exceeded 30 ° C, there was outrage, a scandal that the end of the world had come. And now a week has passed above 30 ° C and life is normal. Man is probably one of the most adaptable species.

– We are also trying to adapt to the coronavirus. The subject is already boring for many, but we will not escape from it anywhere. The numbers show growth, again speaking of the fourth wave. How do you assess the situation?

– Today in Lithuania about 50 percent have been vaccinated. populations. I can be happy that Kaunas residents are the most vaccinated in big cities. We are the 5 percent. points above the entire Lithuanian average and at least between 1 and 2%. points – other major cities. I am happy with the awareness of the residents of Kaunas and their belief in science-based medicine. They adapted better to the new conditions.

– The ambitious plan to vaccinate 70% of Mindauginiai has failed. In general, 70 percent. it seems aspirational.

– When the President visited our Vaccination Center in the Ice House, we had calculated that if there were as many vaccines as we could have vaccinated, we would have reached 70% by the end of May, but there was a shortage of vaccines and no one thought about the other ingredients : how many people want and want. We are starting to skate right now. I encourage you and I invite you not to delay, not to cheat, whenever there is an opportunity, and it is for everyone, to get vaccinated as soon as possible. Autumn is coming and all coronaviruses are mostly seasonal. Last year, we were all happy that the pandemic ended in the summer, but it didn’t go anywhere. It would be convenient to follow all the requirements: wear masks, keep distances, ventilate the facilities, get vaccinated. Now there is a bus near the big supermarkets where you can get vaccinated; we are waiting and inviting. I’m glad the trends are favorable. At Mega, we vaccinate 174 people a day. Our efforts and those of the municipality seem to be paying off.

According to P. Kibiša, the vaccines in Kaunas did not cause very serious reactions. (Photo by Vilmantas Raupelis)

– Can you explain in more detail about the mobile vaccination bus? What is the predominant order?

– The bus was already in the commercial city “Urmas”, near “Mega”, it will be near the “Acropolis”, near Aleksotas “Iki”, in all popular meeting places. Coupons are not required. When a person sees a bus, they can climb and get vaccinated. There are vaccines in excellent condition. All hygiene standards are maintained.

– Does a person need to have an identity document?

– If required. If a person wants to be vaccinated, we need to enter the data into an electronic health system to expand the opportunities for the person who has been vaccinated.

– Is it possible to receive a second dose of the vaccine?

– Yes. There are computers on the buses, the data is mobile. We are always updating the eHealth system. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which requires only one dose, is now very popular.

– On the Kaunas municipality website, I read that companies can request that the bus arrive at the company where they want to vaccinate more employees.

– Yes, there is that possibility. You must look at the page of the municipality or contact us. We will be happy to come and get vaccinated. I would like to have as many people as possible and not have to travel for one or two employees, because in another place, for example in Mega, maybe 100 want to get vaccinated.

I am happy with the awareness of the residents of Kaunas and their belief in science-based medicine.

– Some foreign countries are already talking or starting to introduce restrictions for unvaccinated and unvaccinated people in the workplace. How do you see this tool?

– From a medical and public point of view, I look at it positively, because such a methodology is as old as the world. If we think of vaccination not only as a means to protect the individual, but also as a means to protect society as a whole, it is justified. If a driver does not have a health check, he cannot drive; nobody says it is discrimination. In the same way in public transport, in the service sector, if a person cannot protect the people who come into contact with him, his rights are violated.

– Don’t you think we’ve reached the threshold of consciousness? Part of society was perceived, it was understood that it was vaccinated and another part of society remained, whose persuasions, beautiful words do not work.

– Unfortunately yes. All those who wanted and want to be vaccinated, we strongly invite you to be civic, to think of the elderly, of children, of others who, for some reason, cannot be vaccinated. Finally about the hospitals that will be refilled. The fewer unvaccinated people, the freer the hospitals will be. With all our efforts, we can avoid it: we have all the means to do it.

– What is the job of doctors now?

– The loads were enormous, the doctors never had to rest. We work both on Sundays and during the holidays to vaccinate and test as many people as possible. We are all tired, but I am glad that since May our outpatient services are 100% open. The patients came back, they visited. Lots of positives: With a lot more discipline, patients only come when they sign up. It used to be a big problem because they came when they wanted. Significantly more remote consultations, drug prescriptions are written remotely, electronic prescriptions are issued. Finally, there is the legal regulation: we did not provide a lot of remote services because the regulation was very complicated. After the pandemic, it forced bureaucrats to move faster.

– What is the situation in the Vaccination Center of the Ice Palace? How many people come?

– The vaccination center is open from Monday to Friday as it is not necessary on weekends. We vaccinate about 900 people, but our capacities also allow 5,000. or more. Most are booster shots. Few people come to get vaccinated. Thursdays are open days, but fewer people come to the center voluntarily or unregistered than on the mobile bus.

– Do you need to register the next few days?

– In the coming days, we try to maintain order and discipline so that our center works well and all residents of Kaunas respond to it.

– Is the number of vaccinators unlikely to increase?

– We’ll see. The school year is approaching, there is much discussion about the willingness of students and pupils to return. I think it’s another great boost. We have noticed that people have become more disciplined. Parents are already worried about their children’s preventive health check-up and don’t sign up in the last days of summer. The quarantine has taught him to plan not only his life, but also to help doctors plan.

– Adverse reactions are described fairly precisely using scientific data. Clearly, our media is trying to highlight myocarditis cases, which account for only 0.21 percent. total number of vaccinations. Do you experience side effects after vaccination?

– Thank God, we did not face such severe reactions. Maybe it’s a coincidence, maybe a provoked tension. There have been hypertensive reactions with a sudden increase in blood pressure. The body responds in a very individual way. We were unable to establish a correlation between vaccine type and side effects. Very individual: some respond to the first dose, others to the second, some only feel pain at the injection site. Not getting vaccinated is more dangerous than getting vaccinated. This is evidenced by 9 thousand. The number of Lithuanians who, sadly, have already died from COVID-19.

– What is your opinion on coronavirus strains?

– The more opportunities we allow for the virus to spread in a population, the more likely it is that more devastating strains will spread. There are no official recommendations for a third dose of the vaccine yet, but vaccination has already started in Israel. There are no recommendations because we have only known about the disease for 2.5 years and cannot say how the vaccine will work after 2.5 years. We are now waiting for data from Pfizer on human immunity one year after vaccination. There are shots if you need a third shot; We are really not afraid, you just need the will and instructions.
