P.Cvirka promises to remove the monument “soon”, the writer’s grandson is real – they are commercial interests


The monument to P. Cvirka, which has been the subject of much discussion for many years, seems to be disappearing from the Vilnius city center.

It was hard to knock him out

According to the city of Vilnius. V. Benkunskas, deputy mayor of the municipality, “It was more difficult to transfer the issue of the monument to Cvirka than the monument itself.”

“The Department of Cultural Heritage (CRD) and its director Vidmantas Bezaras maintain the register of cultural values, which clearly indicates that the monument is protected. But could it not have been otherwise, knowing that it was drawn up on the basis of Soviet lists in which Cvirka was already included in 1972?

Thank God (and the Ministry of Culture), it seems that the monument will soon be elsewhere. This morning, Culture Minister S. Kairys made it clear that there is and cannot be a place for such “heritage” in any registry. I just remind you that P. Cvirka, whose statue is the most visited pigeon bath in Vilnius, put his signature after Lithuania’s “accession” to the USSR, “writes the deputy mayor on Facebook.

According to him, after receiving a formal decision to remove the statue from the heritage, he will immediately submit a proposal to the city hall to remove it as soon as possible. “Where will it go? The question remains open, but the center of Vilnius is not Grūtas Park, and the creative residents of Vilnius will really find something to change it,” says V. Benkunskas.

Appointed the CRD

Culture Minister Simonas Kairys also announced in Fesibuk that he had signed an appeal to the Department of Cultural Heritage (CRD) requesting a decision on the abolition of legal protection for the monument to Peter Cvirka and its removal from the Register of Cultural Heritage.

“The monument was included in the registry in 1992, the source of this decision being the List of Monuments of the LSSR (1973). I believe that the Royal Cultural Heritage Assessment Council should look at this situation from today’s perspective, ”says the Minister.

According to S. Kairis, the literary merits of P. Cvirka in Vilnius have been immortalized for a long time, in 1986. The sculpture “Lakštingala” was erected in Naujamiestis.

„2019 December 3 The final expert conclusion of the Lithuanian Center for Genocide and Resistance is that Petras Cvirka actively collaborated with the occupying Soviet government structures in their political and social activities, and their collaboration had significant and damaging consequences for the fate of the Lithuanian state and its country. the citizens.

In wealth policy, I want priorities to emerge, I want us to have a clear understanding of what kind of history we are creating for ourselves and the world. And even the non-physical presence or absence of a monument is a problem. The problem arises mainly from who the State pays attention to, how we perceive our duty and how we define value ”, writes the minister.

Luke April / 15min photo / Monument to Peter Cvirka and the square next to it

Luke April / 15min photo / Monument to Peter Cvirka and the square next to it

The grandson is reluctant to retire

P. Cvirka’s grandson, Aidas Pivoriūnas 15 minutes he claims that he did not change his opinion about the monument dedicated to his grandfather, which was built for a literary classic.

J. Andriejauskaitės / 15min nuotr./Aidas Pivoriūnas

J. Andriejauskaitės / 15min nuotr./Aidas Pivoriūnas

He recommended Vilnius Deputy Mayor V. Benkunskas and Deputy Administrative Director Adomas Bužinskas take care of the city’s municipal cleaning and waste, which is said to belong to the areas under his supervision in the municipality.

A. Pivoriūnas says he is convinced that these two politicians, representatives of the business sector, “are directly interested in the monument not remaining in that place.” He did not want to specify what type of business he was referring to, he only said that he saw that the plot in the center of the city is extremely attractive.

“Look at what the two politicians are responsible for, what projects are being started and who is behind those projects, and you will see. There is a company that is interested in this plot. This is a golden plot, it has nothing to do with Petru Cvirka as a classic of Lithuanian literature, we are simply looking for ways, ”said A. Pivoriūnas, urging to pay attention to the fate of the capital’s public spaces.

There is a business interested in this plot. This is a golden plot, it has nothing to do with Petru Cvirka as a classic of Lithuanian literature.

A. Pivoriūnas wished not to rush the Minister of Culture, the discussion should start again.

This issue is highly politicized, says A. Pivoriūnas, and the certificate from the Lithuanian Genocide and Resistance Center, which, according to the writer’s grandson, cannot really be considered a serious document: it was prepared by people without any rights without proper education and the competence of historians. You can read the full certificate here.

“The certificate game was popular in Soviet times. We go back very quickly to Soviet times and apply the Bolshevik practice. You have to deal with it, you are the wrong person, it prevents you from absorbing something, we will make you a certificate. My wish would be not to rush, nothing will happen. Since 1959, the monument is standing, of course, I wish it was still standing, because it was built for Petras Cvirkas as a literary classic who wrote wonderful works, which I am convinced that our young politicians, especially from Vilnius municipality, did not have made. read. “- A. Pivoriūnas spoke.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15-minute photo / Monument to Peter Cvirka

Sigismund Gedvila / 15-minute photo / Monument to Peter Cvirka

He has not convened a debate on this issue until now: “It was not a debate, but a smear campaign. The current mayor of Vilnius has come to the conclusion that my grandfather, who died in 1947 and has not even been seen alive by my mother, is a murderer. What could be the discussion when such statements occur?

I know there has been a discussion in professional communities, such as landscape architects, because it is a park, a square designed by Vladislovas Mikučionis, recognized as one of the best and most professionally integrated into the Vilnius landscape with terrace stairs. Architects, writers, and painters voiced strong opposition to the monument’s removal. Here we have a talk not only about P.Cvirkas, we have a talk about the classical sculpture of Mykonos. I would say it is an elemental and deliberate disregard for Lithuanian culture. “

Luke April / 15min photo / Monument to Peter Cvirka and the square next to it

Luke April / 15min photo / Monument to Peter Cvirka and the square next to it
