Oželytė: I did not imagine giving such fear to someone over 60 years old.


Oželytė: this is hypocrisy

Nijolė Oželytė, the signer of the Independence Law, says that at this time there is a claim to portray in public.

“I want to tell you that it is not just a matter of communication. I wanted to check, and how many people have been infected by non-relatives, children and loved ones, since now it is called that” good children do not visit their parents. “You notice what percentage is infected my only Facebook the girlfriend lost her father yesterday, who was infected at the Vilnius Clinical Hospital. It seems to me that Veryga covers her utter lack of professionalism, like Skvernell’s, with her inability to handle the places where she is most needed, not with concern but with mocking adults. The 60 years are portrayed as a kind of poor hunchbacked man with sticks: sorry, I ride a 40 kilometer bike every day, I keep my shape.

To call it a concern is to act. I have a very scary comparison, I don’t even want to say it, but if someone cared so much about Squirrel, who had an oncological disease, if his wife said to him every day: “You know, Sun, you are not going to work today, remember, you have cancer ” . I wonder how many days he would suffer such pretended love and attention. This is not love, it is a mockery.

N. Oželytė

To call it a concern is to act. I have a very scary comparison, I don’t even want to say it, but if someone cared so much about Squirrel, who had an oncological disease, if his wife said to him every day: “You know, Sun, you are not going to work today, remember, you have cancer ” . I wonder how many days he would suffer such pretended love and attention. This is not love, it is a mockery. This is a cover for their lack of professionalism, inability to manage in hospitals, “N.Oželytė said on the program.

Isolation only exacerbates other problems

According to N.Oželytė, older people already have a very clear understanding of what awaits them in old age: exclusion, health problems and such isolation only increase all problems.

“That social exclusion that happens to a person when he retires, when he fully understands, with a long life experience, that an increasingly difficult day awaits him, loneliness, a weakened body, and when he hears from Squirrel the saying, “Maybe you do this, don’t go to the beach in the summer.” You know, maybe there are so many summers you can count on the fingers of one hand, or whatever you think. Veryga seems to have some kind of psychologist education. If you have not bought your diploma, how can you not calculate how many there will be victims of such psychological terror among the elderly. Depression, panic attacks, insomnia are the result of that exclusion, “said N. Oželytė as well.

Nijolė Oželytė

Nijolė Oželytė

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

According to the interlocutor, a different communication can be seen in other countries than in Lithuania: older people are thanked for taking care of themselves.

I myself had no idea that being over 60 is so scary. I’m still active enough, but people feel derogatory, and from the way I communicate with Lithuanians living elsewhere, I have corresponded with Portugal, Spain, Ireland, Great Britain, Germany, they are appalled by our posters .

N. Oželytė

“I myself couldn’t imagine being so scary for someone over 60.” I’m still active enough, but people feel derogatory, and from the way I communicate with Lithuanians living elsewhere, I have corresponded with Portugal, Spain, Ireland, Great Britain, Germany, they are appalled by our posters , the note. Imagine writing in Portugal that we cannot go to this room for those who do not have masks and who are older, there would be no such matters at night. In Britain, we only thank the elderly. Thank you for being one, it is respect for the person so that they do not feel excluded, “said the interlocutor,” says N. Oželytė.

Messages written on the door

A member of the Seimas Dovilė Šakalienė ensures that the line between security and discrimination is currently very intertwined, and most people in Lithuania feel not only lonely, but also completely isolated.

“Ms. Oželytė quite rightly said that the well-being of a security person is really very important. Today, it seems to me that we are seeing a very strange transition from protection to stigma. I myself am a person at risk and when I see a writing In the cafe that tells people at risk and the elderly not to go, it seems that we should be issued badges and then we must be classified.

Dovilė Šakalienė

Dovilė Šakalienė

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

Here are the ones that are a burden on the health system, and if it becomes infected, it will cause us so many problems that we would like to have you voluntarily incarcerated in your home. This is the type of message people receive. And the message that people should really get is that we want you to have as many summers as possible to be safe. You have to thank people for taking care of themselves, for taking care of themselves, but beside that, if you are already “good” children do not visit their parents “, it had to be ensured through voluntary efforts with medicines, food products , ordering the cub, but the state had to organize it, “says the Seimas member on the program.

N.Oželytė says he has a question about why those notes still appear, if this was a requirement or if the entrepreneurs themselves decided so.

“Looking from inside the Seimas to the outside, you look very smart, you have a lot of information, a lot of rights, and everyone else seems pretentious fools who gather under the windows to protest or demand something, but they are an idol, that attitude , if looking from above Many people have written to me, including young people who do not understand how to do it, but also entrepreneurs. Is it an obligation for everyone to hang those prohibitions on the door, or are the entrepreneurs themselves doing it? Because if it is written that it is the entry of the elderly is prohibited, so only a suicidal businessman can write like this, because it does not make sense, is it so tidy? They called me from galleries, small shops, if it really needs to be written that way, or if there are requirements to write that way. Is there really such discrimination, or are entrepreneurs dancing out of a desire to please, “says N. Oželytė.

Many companies did not understand the requirements

Member of Seimas D.Šakalienė, when asked if there was in fact such a requirement for employers to post notes indicating that elderly people at risk could not enter the institution, said that there was no such requirement.

No, there is no such requirement. The requirement is to ensure that the security requirements are met in the establishment where the service is provided, which is the only requirement.


“No, there is no such requirement. The requirement is to ensure that the security requirements are met at the institution, the company where the services are provided; this is the only requirement,” replied D.Šakalienė.

“Disinfection, masks are necessary, but the protection of people who belong to risk groups is no longer a requirement for companies. I mean, no one can demand a kind of client from a company,” added the politician.

Oželytė: I did not imagine giving such fear to someone over 60 years old.

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

According to her, it may be that the business itself simply did not understand the ever-changing requirements and rules.

“Our main problem is not only communication, but in this case, if we were already looking legally, we cannot compel a business here to be a kind of client.” Such an obligation would be discriminatory. If it is recommended for the elderly, for people at risk, if we describe in general terms that there is as little publicity as possible, then it has nothing to do with what is written on the door. The second, in this case, we see that the business did not understand what they expected from them, because the requirements change every day ”, explained D. Šakalienė.

Oželytė: Entrepreneurs are not foolish

It is true, as N.Oželytė says, there is no awareness in our society that we are all equal.

“I would like to go back to your previous statement, if the entrepreneurs are not punished, if we say that because of a stupid decision we have to suddenly punish everyone, then we are in a terrible nightmare. The entrepreneurs did it very smartly, saying that it was a recommendation of the World Health Organization, then they reprinted those recommendations. A business, knowing that any sanction would ultimately ruin it, it is better to beat it in writing than to sign very little. (…) Entrepreneurs are not half-hearted, they understand which means writing something discriminatory.

I think the crown will appear like flowers, compared to that resistance, with deep depression.


When it comes to children’s mental health, this is the biggest problem here: not communicating with groups in society has been a very terrible thing in our country since Russian times, when a woman who can no longer give birth is kicked out of public life. , we still don’t have the perception that they are all the same, “says N. Oželytė.

“I think the crown will appear like a flower, compared to that resistance, with a deep depression,” added N. Oželytė.

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