Outraged by the new bans: maybe the government is offering people to learn to teleport?


In Samogitia, in the forest of the “Miško rojus” hut near Rietavas, the owner of Inga Jocė said and joked that two years ago, when he began operating, he was based on the quarantine principle, when no one had heard anything about coronavirus.

“We rent a cabin in the woods for a couple or a family. Here visitors come and stay alone, they don’t know other people. He does not agree even with us, the owners, especially during the quarantine. I think the rest in this shelter is as safe as possible during quarantine.

We were operating during the coronavirus pandemic, there was almost no need to change its nature, because the visitors who stayed with us have no contact with other people, ”said I. Jocė.

Inga Jocė decided to use the plot near her parents near Rietavas in a rather unique way.

According to her, the current government resolution is outrageous because people cannot leave their municipality of residence, which means that they cannot come to rest with us.

The owner of the village jokes that on Tuesday the government legalized teleportation: “After all, we can carry out activities, but people don’t come to us.”

According to the businessman, lately it has been difficult to cope with customer calls. There have been a number of advance bookings and now people are calling and resenting, asking for a refund, although our rules, which are presented to clients, state otherwise.

“We have anticipated that if a person cancels the reservation 7 days before arrival, we will refund 100%. If canceled up to 4 days before the arrival date, 50 percent of all nights will be refunded. Amount, and if We do not refund the payment later.

However, we understand that this situation is difficult for both us and our visitors. Therefore, we also offer an alternative: to convert the amount of the reservation into a credit that can be used at a convenient time for the visitor, ”said I. Jocė.

According to her, the government should reconsider its decision and change it.

“People who have family or hotel reservations must be able to leave their municipality of residence.

Nor should all entrepreneurs who provide accommodation services be thrown into a common boiler. For example, we take all the security measures, we avoid contacts, we disinfect the premises ”, assured the owner of the property.

The decision is evaluated in two ways

The decision of the government representing the association of businessmen who provide accommodation services to prohibit the movement of people between municipalities is twofold.

Evalda Šiškauskienė, president of the Lithuanian Hotel and Restaurant Association, said she positively values ​​the government’s decision.

“It just came to our attention then. It had to be adopted as early as September. The situation is complicated, the number of people with coronavirus is increasing. Therefore, we believe that people’s lives are more important than the party at the farms.

In addition, hotels can accommodate visitors who live in the same city. And they will have some visitors. After all, there are foreign athletes and guests who have come to Lithuania. Other people isolate themselves in hotels or rent a room for a longer period of time, ”said E. Šiškauskienė.

According to her, it is known that the business will also suffer losses, so the government should provide faster assistance.

“Until now, hotels have received nothing but deferred taxes and loan payments. However, we hope that hotels will finally receive help,” said the association president.

Agnė Vaitkuvienė, the other president of the Rural Tourism Association, said it was difficult to understand the government’s decision.

“It allows you to do business with one hand and prohibits it with the other. The rural tourism farms had a number of requests during the holiday period. However, people reserved houses for only one family. And the owners of the farms ensured the security and separate entrances, “said the president of the association.

According to her, the current decision allows entry to residents of the same municipality where the house is located.

“However, this service is more necessary for people who live in cities who want to change the environment and stay in nature. And now it comes to light, so people who live in cities and do not have their own homes they are discriminated against, only those who have their houses somewhere can leave.

Therefore, we will try to speak with the Government to change its decision. After all, we have a lot of experience. People have already decided to stay for the first quarantine. That is why we know how to guarantee their safety ”, assured A. Vaitkuvienė.

Offer to negotiate a refund or something else

The State Service for the Protection of Consumer Rights (SCRPA) reported that if the service provider does not provide the services under the consumer’s contract during the quarantine period, the consumer has the right to request the service provider to postpone the provision of services, agree on other alternatives and contract and return the money paid.

“It should be noted that each individual case would be assessed on its own merits, taking into account all relevant circumstances and the information provided by the service provider on accommodation and cancellation conditions, if internal restrictions allowed one party to provide services and other access to these services, etc. ”, commented the service.

Your answer indicates that, before entering into a service contract, the service provider must provide the consumer with detailed information about the nature of the services, the conditions of provision, the price, the terms of provision, the possible consequences, etc. (for example, what are the refund conditions).

“It is important to point out that the execution of a contract for the provision of paid services must respect the principle of priority of the client’s interests enshrined in the Civil Code, according to which the client has a more exclusive legal position.

In this case, the client can terminate the contract at any time before the start of the accommodation, but must pay a proportion of the price in proportion to the services provided and other reasonable costs incurred by the service provider to perform the contract before receiving the notice of termination. VVTAT.

In other words, the service provider can claim reasonable costs associated with providing the service, which the service provider must justify and prove.

“Thus, the consumer has the right to terminate the service contract at any time and recover money for services not provided, but the consumer must reimburse the costs of providing the service, which the service provider must justify,” said the service .

He also recalled that consumers can contact and ask the company to investigate a specific case, and this within 14 days. undertakes to examine the request and respond to it in writing, stating the reasons. If you do not agree with the answer, the user can contact VVAT.
