Outbreaks of coronavirus cases in the city of Alytus – hospital, Obelėlė, Sakalėlis and Haltex


November 2, 2020

According to the National Public Health Center (NVSC), 837 new cases of coronavirus were confirmed in Lithuania last day.

In the territory of Alytus County, the diagnosis of COVID-19 was made in 24 people.

The cases registered in our county on the last day, according to NVSC epidemiologists, are related to the main coronavirus outbreaks and outbreaks currently in the capital of Dzūkija:

  • Alytus Elementary School “Sakalėlis”,

  • Nursery-kindergarten Alytus “Obelėlė”,

  • Alytus County Stasys Kudirka Hospital,

  • Audėjų (Pramonės) st. 1 in the existing Haltex sewing company.

Taking into account the recommendations of international organizations, Lithuanian municipalities are divided into three zones according to epidemiological indicators: yellow, green and red.

From today until November 8. Even thirteen more municipalities in the country, including those bordering the districts of Alytus – Prienai and Varėna, belong to the red zone, where the quarantine is introduced.

In the “red” municipality of Marijampolė which joins the district of Alytus the quarantine is valid as of October 26.

According to the NVSC, the red zone includes those municipalities where the incidence exceeds 50 cases per 100,000. population, the proportion of positive tests – 4 percent. and more, and the proportion of cases not related to outbreaks or outbreaks is 30 percent. or more per week, or those with a morbidity greater than 150 cases per 100,000. the proportion of population and cases not related to outbreaks or outbreaks is 30%. or more per week, that is, at least 10 cases per week must be registered with the municipality.

