Out of office, Chaplinskas cut off what he thought of Veryga: he had long since resigned.


“Have you ever wondered why you need to do this so suddenly here now, when there are only days to the end of your period, and why is it so urgent? Elemental – money. When ULAC received confirmation that the structural funds of the European Union (EU) provide us with 420 thousand. (…) in fact, in two days a ministerial order appeared, proposing to change the regulations and deliver this information system to the entire other institution “, said S. in the Delfi program” Interview with D. Žeimyte-Biliene ” . Chaplinsk.

The professor highlighted that this information system was also developed by ULAC itself 10 years ago.

S. Čaplinskas made it clear that another possible reason for his dismissal was disagreement with A. Veryga on certain issues.

“Everyone knows very well that Veryga has her own opinion, she does not listen, she does not listen to other people, she avoids arguments, she is never wrong, her decisions are unequivocally correct. We see that the aim was to systematically dismantle the existing structures of the health system, whether they were district hospitals (now we see that it is good that they have not been destroyed) or public health institutions, ”said S. Čaplinskas.

The head of the ULAC assured that when the reforms aimed at abolishing some institutions did not receive the approval of the Seimas, A. Veryga supposedly promised to “destroy them in other ways.”

“Because ULAC is visible and valued by the people, suffice it to say that we have 2.4 million people a year. unique users of our website, (…) this institution has been undermined in various ways. Various blackmails, threats, even falsification, that something or something similar is not being done ”, taught S. Čaplinskas in his version.

According to him, said SAM information system wants to transfer it to the National Public Health Center (NVSC), although they do not even have specialists who can work with such a tool.

NVSC calls the institution “from heaven”

D. Žeimytė-Bilienė pointed out that SAM’s official explanation also establishes that the head of ULAC is dismissed precisely for the non-transfer of the mentioned system, which basically means the accusation that S. Čaplinskas sabotages the work of NVSC.

“It is completely absurd here because they have nothing to do with this system. Covid can provide and provide. If you do what Veryga says, you really need to throw all our specialists, doctors, ULAC analysts out on the street and without compensation, because they are not planned, ”he was outraged.

According to S. Čaplinskas, in the information system, which caused the conflict, there are about 10 million. records that contain personal data of people, diseases and other personal information. The head of the ULAC affirms that it is not possible to give such information “to those who are not clear” suddenly in two days.

Noting that the NVSC is a state institution and not a fallen institution, S. Čaplinskas replied: “In this case, it fell from the sky, because there are no specialists working with this system and conducting analyzes. What was the role of NVSC all along? They worked in the regions, mainly carrying out the supervision and control of economic operators.

According to S. Čaplinskas, NVSC specialists went to kindergartens, schools, penal institutions for a long time and checked compliance with hygiene rules. “On the other hand, when there were cases, it was the questionnaire of the case, to fill out the questionnaires and send them nationally, to pass them on to us,” said the interlocutor.

The professor is surprised that an institution with a completely different role, which says it does not even cope with the analysis of Covid data, wants to be entrusted with such an important system.

“Now it is suddenly said that he is not allowed to receive data, he is not allowed to communicate. Similarly, it was said that communication about the flu was prohibited because he wanted the other authority to be more visible. So I received another reprimand for how I allowed the media to talk about the flu ”, S. Čaplinskas spoke about the long-term disagreements with SAM.

Ensures that ULAC is not the only one

According to S. Čaplinskas, there are many more state institutions that A.ga has lobbied for. He gave as an example the Blood Center, the National Laboratory, the State Agency for Drug Control.

“It just came to our knowledge then. That they are even afraid to go on the air, because they don’t even have anything to say,” S. Čaplinskas is convinced.

When asked if he wanted to say that some institutions were run by incompetent persons appointed by the Minister, the head of ULAC replied:

“It just came to our attention then. So here you see it. There is such an impression, I do not know, consciously or not, we are destroying Lithuania from the inside with such reckless reforms where people have come, I do not want to say that from the top, but I do not understand how the health system works, without understanding of the management , etc.

Mr. Chaplinks added that “this is a show of power” and that it is not possible to act in such a way that “one is a sage, and the whole chin.”

The conflict began with ambiguous statements about drug addicts and gays

Tensions between A. Veryga and S. Čaplinskas arose in 2018, when Daumantas Liekis posted controversial comments about drug addicts and gays on the social network. At that time, A. Veryga made it clear that after such a scandal, S. Čaplinskas should resign. However, S. Čaplinskas did not want to speak about this incident and the public conversation.

“Let’s not talk about him (D. Liekis), let’s talk about the minister. “The minister does not have to go to the level of those people, to the level of a rumor,” he said.

“Even before this whole event, Vice Minister Šešelgis clearly told me that his institution will no longer exist. As soon as he got to work, he said it clearly,” added S. Čaplinskas.

According to him, A. Veryga had a complete record of the scandalous conversation and knew that his words were taken out of context, but he still used them to destroy ULAC.

“It just came to our attention then. How solid I am, how unmanly it is in a situation where the words you get are taken out of context and you say you have to resign. It is equally necessary to say that the Minister has had to resign for some time. a long time so I was talking at the beginning about the masks and not only about that, ”said S. Čaplinskas.

He said he has not yet been sued because he is protected by the labor code. But if this decision by A. Veryga comes into force, S. Čaplinskas assured that he will definitely go to court.

SAM assures that it forgives serious violations

Delfi remembers that on November 5. SAM has announced that the director of ULAC, Saulius Čaplinskas, has been fired for serious misconduct without transferring the ULSVIS to another manager appointed by the Ministry of Health (SAM), the National Center for Public Health (NVSC).

Such decision was made by the Minister of Health Aurelijus Veryga in 2020. Adopted November 4, after learning of the conclusion of the commission’s investigation to investigate the possible violation of labor duties.

The conclusion presented by the Commission establishes that S. Čaplinskas, in the performance of his functions of organizing and directing the work of ULAC, did not ensure that the institution under his responsibility.

2020 July 31 By order of the Minister of Health, the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) was appointed manager and manager of ULSVIS, for which ULAC was required to transfer to ULSVIS within the time limits and in accordance with the procedure settled down. The investigation revealed that the head of ULAC did not comply with the provisions of the Ministerial Order, did not transfer to ULSVIS, did not cooperate with NVSC to ensure a smooth transmission of the system, thus violating legal requirements, and did not ensure other functions assigned by Order. Ministerial.

The director of ULAC, S. Čaplinskas, by not transferring to ULSVIS, prevented the NVSC from properly implementing its established responsibilities related to information management on communicable diseases, outbreak investigation and provision of information to other Lithuanian and European institutions. .

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