Orijus Gasanov received the first vaccine: “People applauded and congratulated them for joining them”


Orijus Gasanovas described in more detail his experience on social media after receiving the first vaccination.

“I’m vaccinated!” Posted a travel journalist on his Facebook account.

“The first dose is administered, I will receive the next one in June. I already have my ticket to a freer world, I am tremendously happy. In fact, I was even surprised by how well everything went. I chose the Vilnius Šeškin polic polyclinic, yesterday there were most of them here of the vacancies. In the polyclinic, many volunteers, doctors who attend, accompany, show everything. Really great service, as I felt in a private clinic.

The vaccination floor is divided into zones, without waiting, as soon as I arrived, immediately at the office, planted, stabbed, free. Another doctor was escorted to a separate corridor where all those vaccinated had to sit for 15 minutes to monitor their body’s reaction. What an exceptional moment it was when they took me there. People clapped and greeted them when they joined them, like a vaccinated club. There is a television and a documentary about animals. Sit back, wait and you can go. I turned around in 20 minutes.

Now everyone asks: well, how do you feel, is everything okay? You are not afraid? Do not hesitate. I reassure those who ask: everything is really fine, everything is fine. And I feel incredibly happy. For me and for others. The polyclinic was full of young and old, men and women. This is important because it is not just me who needs most of us who need to get vaccinated to overcome all this nonsense. I think that will be the case.

Orijus Gasanovas / Photo social networks.

Orijus Gasanovas / Photo social networks.

Since yesterday I announced that I would receive the vaccine, I have received warnings, death threats, ridicule and all kinds of versions that I have been bribed.

To those who hesitate to say that I am advertising something here for money, I answer. Nobody paid me anything, I would have paid myself, I would not have saved even 500 euros. And me engineby the manufacturer. I jokingly told a lot of people: give me all of them, I’ll have a cocktail from all the manufacturers, as long as there is where to get it.

When someone yells: and do you know what that vaccine is made of? I answer: no, I don’t know. I don’t know what my nasal spray that I use every day is made of, I don’t know what my asthma meds, headache pills are made of. Like I don’t know what cookies are made from what I like.

I live in a civilized world where I trust institutions, doctors and scientists. And above all, I want to live in a normal world again! ”Orijus Gasanovas wrote.

I was vaccinated! The first dose is injected, the next I will receive in June. I already have my ticket to a freer world, without end …

Posted by Orijus Gasanovas on 2021 m. Saturday April 3
