Organizers of the protest “Exhibition in progress”: have conditions and do not allow their use – complete nonsense | Culture


The second quarantine took place in Lithuania in November. 15 minutes Did you wonder when the limit was reached?

“We have carried the idea for more than a day and a week, but we are still waiting for the news. After the decisions made this Wednesday, when the open-air exhibitions were allowed to open when they were already operational, we realized that they did not [atlaisvinimų] not given to culture. We decided it was time to make our voice louder, ”said G. Lukaitė.

“A year ago, during the exhibition at the Arka Gallery, I felt that everything was on the brink, will it open or not?” – said ALKaunaitė.

However, the quarantine has not only affected the cultural sector. Why is there no longer the desire for solidarity?

K.Alsytė, who answered the question, stated that it is illogical and unfair to compare cultural activities with other sectors that suffer: According to research and visitor statistics, this is not a mass gathering place, so there is little risk to get there “.

According to the interviewee, it would be worthwhile to return to the principle of normal operation, but it would not be necessary to organize events and exhibition openings at an early stage.

Minister of Culture: The dissatisfaction of artists with closed cultural spaces is understandable

Culture Minister Simonas Kairys, responding to a protest by representatives of the cultural sector in the capital on Saturday, says the dissatisfaction of artists with closed cultural spaces is understandable.

The minister says decisions on the safe operation of museums and galleries will be discussed next week.

“I listen to those who have expressed their position today as they take to the streets with their works, and those who are quietly experiencing the frustration of not being able to continue their regular artistic activities,” S. Kairys said in a ministry statement.

I also hear the clear desire of society for more quality leisure opportunities. I assure you that our objective is common, so next week we will discuss solutions in the emergency committee that would allow us to return safely to the first museums and galleries, ”he said.

This week S.Kairys met with representatives of the Council of Museums, the Lithuanian Museum Association and the MO Museum.

“The minister’s team, together with the museologists, agreed to put together specific details in preparation for the future opening of museums in municipalities where the epidemiological situation is better, and prepared a proposal for additional museums in cities where the situation remains tense,” the ministry. it said in a statement.

According to the minister, in the current situation it is necessary to maintain a balance between the public’s expectations of seeing artists who have returned to their work, and the recommendations of health experts and ensuring the safety of workers and cultural visitors.

Kairys also asks for the opportunity to be tested and tested for COVID-19.

Most recently, Minister of Culture commented: “In a democracy, everyone has the right to express their opinion freely. Of course, the current situation is complex and the desire of artists to bring about change and draw attention to specific issues is completely understandable.”

This comment is empty because everyone is aware that they have the right to express their opinion.

Such a reaction from the Minister did not satisfy the artists. “This comment is empty because everyone knows very well that they have the right to have an opinion. But in the absence of a reaction to it, the question arises, what about that? We can’t seem to hear each other. Not necessarily visual, but other representatives of the art have certainly spoken in public more than once, they have spoken on radio shows, they have written articles, but they remain unknown. “

Photo by Arno Strumila / photo by 15min / Protest

Photo by Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Protest “Current Exhibition”

G. Lukaitė said that after the protest it would be difficult to predict the reactions of the Ministry of Culture, but he still awaits changes. According to K.Alsytė, no further actions have been considered so far, but “it may not be necessary, because to my knowledge there was a meeting with the Association of Museums.”

“I was delighted to hear the news. It is likely to strengthen the position of gallery owners and other cultural workers, showing that we really need change.”

How did the quarantine personally affect the performance of the artists?

ALKaunaitė had to give up a personal exhibition, although he had informed the Council of Culture. The artist had entered the second stage of the Young Painter Prize, during which exhibitions usually take place. “For now, I hope I can show my work in July,” he said.

The painter pointed out that she does not lack contact with people, but rather observing paintings, analyzing, attending exhibitions.

Photo by Arno Strumila / photo by 15min / Protest

Photo by Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Protest “Current Exhibition”

“I would like to agree,” said G. Lukaitė. – We can travel to exhibitions, participate in presentations on computer screens, although it is important, but not the essence. The point in the culture itself is how important it is for us to go out and feed our mind and soul. The fact that this is not allowed is complete nonsense. Especially when we have the best conditions. We don’t want culture to be at the forefront of food, beauty and other services ”.
