Opinions differed widely: anti-state activities, protests out of fear of migrants or traffickers


Police Commissioner General Renatas Požėla told tv3.lt that people related to smuggling were observed among protesters in Dievenišk whos, who may not be satisfied with the increase in the number of officers in the region.

“Some of the protesters we have captured are our clients involved in smuggling,” Požėla said.

“The people who smuggle act against the interests of the state simply because they have a common relationship and connection with the people of the regime in that country. “This business serves the same government or regime in Belarus,” added the police commissioner.

In Rūdninkai, protesters blocked the road to the landfill, but were forcibly captured. But at night, the landfill area was invaded and truck tires were set on fire. Ričardas Pocius, head of the Public Security Service, speculated that such actions were aimed at setting fire to the camp that was being prepared for the refugees or directing the attention of security agents to the fire. Interior Minister Agnė Bilotaitė called it anti-state activity.

It is planned to house about 500 immigrants in Dieveniškės and about 1,500 in the Rūdnininkai landfill of the Public Security Service.

A total of 2,839 migrants illegally crossed the Lithuanian border this year.

What is anti-state activity?

There is a separate section in the Penal Code that deals with crimes against the independence of the Lithuanian state, the integrity of the territory and the constitutional order.

This case includes crimes such as coup d’état, attacks on the life of a president, another state or a representative of an international organization, treason, helping another state to act against Lithuania, espionage, formation and operation of unconstitutional groups or organizations, incitement to violate state sovereignty and the like.

The Department of Homeland Security states that it has not yet registered the activities of anti-state organizations or anti-state armed groups or the deliberate performance of the tasks of any foreign state against the interests of Lithuania.

“However, using a broader and more specific vocabulary of politicians, it could be agreed that the aggressive opposition of protesters to the legitimate actions of law enforcement officers represents a potential threat to human security and does not serve the interests of society. It should also be noted that the radicalization of the mood in Lithuanian society and the escalation of the opposition may be of interest to foreign states hostile to Lithuania, dissatisfied with Lithuania’s foreign policy that supports democracy in the region and the unrest in society and the conflict of its groups with law enforcement. “, say department officials.

Thus, there is no direct trace of Russia or Belarus in the protests, but resistance in Lithuanian society can be helpful to hostile states seeking to dissuade Lithuania from helping the Belarusian opposition.

Department of Homeland Security

See a desire to rack up political dividends

Laurynas Kasčiūnas, chairman of the Seimas Defense and National Security Committee, says that anti-state activities or actions against the state often arise from foreign states hostile to Lithuania or from criminal organizations. In this case, he said that he saw more the desire of certain groups to accumulate political dividends with certain impurities in the criminal world.

“Anti-state activities would be if it is the representation of external influences or acting in coordination with external influences; this is one of the criteria here. And it should not come from our allies, but from states that threaten us. Or the threat may arise from meetings organized, criminal activities. These can be cartels, criminal groups seeking to influence the political process or internal processes of the country. Of course, it is very important to distinguish between anti-state activities and opposition to a political process or activities that simply attempt to accumulate political dividends “. L. Kasčiūnas described the difference between anti-state activities and the search for political points.

“What I saw was more a desire to generate political dividends, to preserve political space, with certain manifestations of the criminal world. Of course, this increased chaos is beneficial for hostile states, but it is probably a coincidence of interests, “added the chairman of the Seimas Defense and National Security Committee.

Representatives of the Lithuanian Family Movement participated in the Divine Protests, which was confirmed by the representative of this movement Alvydas Daunys. Also seen were Beata Petkevič, a member of the Polish Lithuanian Election Campaign and the Union of Christian Families, and Antanas Kandrotas-Celofan, famous for her criminal past.

A similar audience gathered in Rūdninkai to protest. For example, singer Romas Dambrauskas, who is an active supporter of the Lithuanian family movement, called for a protest on social media.

L. Kasčiūnas says that he can understand the residents’ protest about the creation of a migrant town in Dieveniškės, but not the actions at the Rūdninkai landfill, because there is no settlement nearby. As is known, protesters blocked access to the landfill, clashes broke out between officials and protesters, and at night the area was invaded and truck tires caught fire.

The politician believes that the Interior Ministry and Minister A. Bilotaitė should have spoken with the Dieveniškės community and their representatives about certain incentives, but considered the protest at the landfill as a complete misunderstanding.

“Regarding the Rūdninkai landfill, this is a complete misunderstanding, illegality and illogical protest, because this landfill is far enough away from the settlements in Lithuania and it is fully protected. This is an exemplary solution of how these larger centers should be created, ”says the politician, adding that relocating the migrants to the landfill would make it easier for the surrounding settlements to breathe.

Similarly, Arvydas Pocius, a member of the Defense and National Security Committee and a former commander of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, thought that the protesters at the Rūdninkai landfill had not complied with the legitimate demands of Lithuanian officials who had secured protection. from the landfill.

“It just came to our attention then. People can come with signs, stand up, protest, but you can’t do things like in Rūdninkai. Those people must be prosecuted,” says A. Pocius.

He also notes that the Belarusian regime clearly seeks to distract Lithuania from supporting the opposition. Furthermore, preparations for the Zapad military exercise in September have already started in Belarus, and the flooding of Lithuania with immigrants may be part of the exercise.

At the time, Dainius Gaižauskas, a representative of the opposition Lithuanian Union of Greens and Peasants, called the speeches about anti-state activities a complete confusion and fright from the Minister of the Interior. The politician says he believes the public is responding in protest at the government’s inaction in managing the migration crisis.

“Where do anti-state activities take place, if people are afraid, do not have real information? People see one, hear a second on television and politicians say a third. It makes people go out into the streets in a way. or another. When you go out into the streets, other problems arise. Everyone reacts in a very emotional way. And when these people are accused of anti-state activities, it is an even greater mistake, apart from the mistakes that this government is making. The situation is extraordinary It is necessary to correct mistakes, not to call people anti-state ”, thinks D. Gaižauskas.
