Only entrepreneurs who decide to work with a passport of opportunity meet: they need to have some courage


The National Center for Public Health (NVSC) estimates that there were already 237 companies on Monday around 4:30 p.m. that declared that they would only accept buyers or customers with an opportunity passport.

Most of them are located in Vilnius – 126. At that time, in Kaunas – 25, in Klaipėda – 13. The largest number are public catering establishments (194), as well as 17 accommodation establishments, 12 – companies operating in the field of beauty. services.

However, the NVSC refuses to advertise to companies that have decided to operate only with passports of opportunity; it is the responsibility of the companies themselves to do so.

At that time, Vidmantas Čičelis, the owner of the Local Pub bars, created an initiative on Facebook: he invited to visit only the listed places, which they chose to serve only customers with opportunity passports. So far, a dozen institutions are on the list, sharing the motto: “Social responsibility, respect for science and for everyone around us.”

The decision to serve only customers with passports has already been announced by the “Saint Germain” restaurant, “Dog” bars, BIX, “Jurgis ir Drakonas” restaurant, “Waffle House”, “Downtown Forest Hostel & Camping”, “Artists “,” Quick Snail “,” Selfish Bistro “in Palanga,” 2½ blocks “in Kaunas and other restaurants.

“We need to have some courage to be one of the first. It is not about you, but about all the companies that connect from the first week. It takes a certain amount of courage to find out: you never know how people will react, how your customers will react, whether you will lose a customer or not. That fear exists all the time and those who overcome it are great. I think so ”, says V. Čičelis.

He regrets that the institutions actually received many hateful messages in the first days.

“You risk getting a lot of hate, and you do. In fact, he writes a lot in public, makes complaints, posts Facebook posts, ratings, comments on the Holocaust, and the like. You have to adapt, get in the way, but I think everything will work out. And I hope that conscientious people choose exactly those places that decided to take that step a lot, a month earlier than it will be mandatory ”, hopes V. Čičelis.

The hardest part is that you work all the time and you don’t know when it will close or close. The odds remain all the time

V. Čičelis

Emphasizes that companies encourage people to get vaccinated and that is part of social responsibility.

“I kept saying and telling everyone that vaccines were needed. For people who don’t get vaccinated, I have the ability to clearly say what I’m thinking. It doesn’t always help me in life, but I keep saying it very boldly: we have the only clear answer that helps. Whether to save it is a separate question. But that helps, it’s here without a doubt. And the only thing is vaccines, ”says V. Čičelis.

He believes that people who fear vaccines often develop a fear of ignorance.

Companies no longer want to close

One by one, the companies advertise the service only with a passport of opportunity; Several reasons are given: some are afraid to close, others want more freedom to serve customers, because the passport of opportunity allows visitors to remove their masks.

“It just came to our knowledge then. We no longer want to close, we no longer want the pandemic to resurface. And, above all, we want to continue seeing you, our most beloved guests! That is why, as of today at 08.16 we accept ONLY WITH PASSIONS OF OPPORTUNITIES. Let’s protect each other! You will not need a passport to take your pizza “, shared on Facebook the Italian restaurant Jurgis ir Drakonas.

The Waffle House family restaurant teaches here that it wanted to create more than just a catering establishment.

“Social responsibility is one of the objectives of our activity. For us it is important that life returns to normal as soon as possible and that we do our best to contribute to it. Therefore, as of August 16. We invite everyone with a passport to enjoy waffles, ”says the restaurant’s bill.

The “Selfish Bistro” restaurant that operates in Palanga ensures that from the beginning it was with those who did everything possible to overcome the pandemic as soon as possible and return to a full life.

“The Passport of Opportunity is a tool that will help you enjoy trips, exhibitions and concerts again,” writes the restaurant, proposing “not to be a hippopotamus.”

The restaurant “Greita Sraigė” misses the hustle and bustle of the full restaurant hall and the wider doors – no puzzles, several and at what distances it is possible to seat businesses, no questions about homes, no additional registrations.

Restaurant Saint Germain offers those who want to discuss discrimination and restrictions on their freedoms to do so elsewhere: they support those who are vaccinated.

“As you know, from today our Wolf’s Garage bar can only be visited with a passport. That’s when you leave, don’t forget! It can be uncomfortable, but after a long time we have always hit everyone with the same drinks: good health! Cheers again this time “, shared a message on Facebook” Downtown Forest Hostel & Camping “

The “Artistai” Club hopes that passions and opposition will calm down, and in Lithuania we will learn to respect each other with different opinions: “Let Vilnius be alive, not quarantined, with all our efforts we will achieve it faster.”

The Kaunas “2½ block” bar is convinced that such a requirement will not cause the slightest problem for its customers.

The National Center for Public Health estimated on Monday morning that more than a hundred companies, most of them catering establishments in Vilnius, had chosen to work with the passport of opportunity.

With restrictions imposed by the government last Monday that went into effect Monday, institutions can choose to work with passport only, reduce visitor restrictions, or admit all clients, ensuring a stricter distance, mask and other safety requirements, allowing no more than 2 people to sit inside the table.

Only entrepreneurs who decide to work with a passport of opportunity meet: they need to have some courage

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

Theaters will use it later this week.

Theaters keep their previous promise to only accept customers who have a passport of opportunity; This will give moviegoers a chance to have drinks or popcorn during the movie screening.

“Cinemas are preparing for a passport of opportunities. We want to start this Friday. As far as I know, both we and other Lithuanian cinemas are preparing. Here, like everyone else, you will be able to prepare for those requirements, and to manage the flow of viewers, checking the passport and the opportunity documents, that is how they will start working. But most, and perhaps even all cinemas, will start on Friday, “said Raimundas Bilinskas, Marketing Director of Multikino.

Only entrepreneurs who decide to work with a passport of opportunity meet: they need to have some courage

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

NVSC does not disclose: data – for control only

Currently it is not possible to find out which companies have decided to operate only with an opportunity passport; the NVSC collecting the data does not disclose such information.

“NVSC has an obligation to collect and send data to the control authorities so that the control specialists do not ask the company for such conditions, which, if they choose to work with people with passport opportunities from now on, it is no longer necessary implement. In other words, the data collection has a very clear purpose and purpose. Promoting that services are only provided to people with a passport to opportunities is the responsibility of the company itself. They “know” their customers, they have analyzed which communication channels – on the website, social networks or in some other way – are the best to do it, ”says the NVSC.

The Authority recalls that institutions are obliged to inform visitors or buyers by providing information at the entrance that only people who meet the access passport criteria are served.

With the passport of opportunities I already managed to train in the spring

Entrepreneur V. Čičelis sums up that bars have already managed to practice with the possibilities of passports in the spring, so their use should no longer be a big obstacle.

“Technically, we just do it by giving away bracelets that are worn at events; when we verify the opportunity passport, we put the bracelet on the person. Then we know that it has already been checked, and it is no longer necessary to ask again every time we come to the bar if we have, say, a scan. And if you see a person without an armband, if there is any suspicion, you can also check.

Of course, if there are large outdoor terraces, it is impossible to see 100 percent. people. If a friend has reached out to someone and joined you, you may not see them working at the bar. But if someone buys more beer, we always ask very clearly whether or not everyone really has one, or if they will take responsibility. We will try to control and see as much as possible ”, says the owner of the Local Pub.

It ensures that the bar will continue to be watched so that there are no queues or crowds.

Vidmantas Čičelis

Vidmantas Čičelis

© Photo from personal album

“The hardest part is that you work all the time and you don’t know when you will close or close. The odds remain all the time. But now I believe that the steps of the Government, the decisions that help us, the conscientious people, those who do not deny science, help as much as possible. Releasing everything, returning to a more psychologically normal state, provided that you also act consciously ”, says V. Čičelis.

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