Only a month left to sign a contract with an electricity supplier, what should go wrong?


According to data from November 12, more than 71 thousand contracts have already been signed with independent electricity providers. consumers. Of these, more than 29 thousand. – participants in the first phase of the reform.

Although the first stage includes around 98 thousand. real estate, two-thirds of consumers have not yet chosen a new electricity supplier.

“It is gratifying that the neighbors have found out about the change and are willing to get involved in it, regardless of the stage they enter according to the amount of electricity consumed. However, the participants of the first stage, who have a duty before December 10, are invited to consider the offers sent by the suppliers more actively or to search for them themselves. choose an independent electricity supplier and sign a contract with him ”, – the report quotes Renaldas Radvila, Director of the Department of Services of the Energy Distribution Operator (ESO).

After all, the first day of the New Year – 2021. January 1: contracts with the public electricity supplier until then will be automatically terminated for those consumers who are entering the first stage of the reform.

In the first stage: consume more

The first stage of the energy reform also includes the obligation to choose an independent electricity supplier before December 10. they have the most electricity-consuming population. “These are homes that consume about 420 kilowatt hours per month, for which they pay about 60 euros, calculated at the standard rate,” said Radvila. – Consumers who already entered the first stage of the reform this year were informed about the need to choose a provider using the contact details available to ESO and the company. However, if you are concerned about entering the first phase of the reform but have not been notified for any reason, you can check your status on the ESO self-service website ”.

The ESO representative also pointed out that the contract with the independent electricity supplier must be signed before December 10, both by those participants in the first stage who agreed to share their data with independent electricity providers and by those who expressed their disagreement: “The only difference is that the data has already received offers from independent providers, since the same providers sent them to the population. Meanwhile, those who refuse to share data in tenders should contact the vendors independently or may have already selected a vendor. Those who have not already done so should find an independent electricity supplier within the remaining month. ”

Household electricity consumers can choose from eight independent suppliers. These are Elektrum Lietuva, Enefit, Ignitis, Inregnum, Energija Pearls, Abotis, Egto energija and Birštonas elektra. “Now is the heat of contract signing, so competing companies can still offer more attractive terms, price discounts or other offers to consumers,” Radvila said.

The guaranteed power supply will be, but it will be more expensive

After signing the contracts before December 10, the electricity of the new supplier will begin to flow from the New ones, that is, from 2021. January 1 If the contract is signed before the 10th of the current month, the service will be will lend from the 1st of the following month. If the contract is signed after the 10th of the current month, the service is provided from the first day of the following month. This means that if you sign the contract after December 10 of this year, the electricity will flow through the new provider starting in 2021. February 1

If you enter the first stage of selection, the contract with the old public provider expires in 2021. January 1 If this happens, for one reason or another, before December 10. You will not be able to conclude a contract with a new supplier, the supply of garbage will not be interrupted for a second. The guaranteed electricity supply will be taken care of automatically by ESO, this service can be provided for up to 6 months, but it will be more expensive, so it is advisable to choose an independent provider. During this additional time, the resident will be encouraged to contract with one of the independent providers.

It is worthwhile for the consumer to enter into a contract with an independent provider and not be left in the care of the guaranteed supply, as the electricity price component of the guaranteed supply will be 25%. more expensive, that is, part of the electricity bill will be at least a quarter higher. Meanwhile, competing independent providers already offer different prices per kilowatt-hour and the opportunity to choose between different electricity usage plans, providing the benefits of the first year of use.

The electricity offers and rates provided by different providers can be found in the email informing about the change since the beginning of the reform. on the website or to find out by calling +37062655565.

The objective of the current energy reform is to abolish the state monopoly of electricity supply, to enter the business of the energy sector, which would guarantee modern services that meet the needs of consumers. Competitive, independent, green and safe energy is one of the strategic objectives at the level of the European Union. Most of the EU countries have already implemented this reform. Having started this year, Lithuania plans to implement the energy switch in early 2023, in three stages.
