One of the most luxurious resorts in the world is full of tourists from Lithuania – prices have dropped significantly


It is simply amazing who would have thought that there would come a time when Lithuanians would start to travel en masse to the Maldives. Not to Turkey, not to Egypt, but to one of the most luxurious places in the world, where until now couples celebrating their honeymoon or wealthy gentlemen have mostly rested. Still, the coronavirus changed the established standards, the wealthy in the Maldives were replaced by ordinary cheap tourists.

Until October, the Maldives was under strict quarantine, tourists were not accepted and the islands adapted for them simply closed. But since November, visitors to the island-washed Indian Ocean have been inundated again by visitors seeking warm weather. According to the locals, every month more and more tourists. And February has become a record overall, there have never been so many people in this country. The Maldives were chosen by those who were afraid or unable to go to traditional and simpler holiday destinations. Many people have chosen an island country of extraordinary beauty instead of skiing, instead of trips to the main European cities, instead of cheaper trips to other Asian countries. For many this winter, this country represents Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc.

Such popularity in the Maldives does not mean that there is no coronavirus in this country at all. It continues to circulate among the people, but mainly in the capital Male more than in tourist destinations. Therefore, vacationers cannot visit Malé, it separates it from tourism, even the locals themselves will not come to the capital when they want. If you were in Male, you will have fourteen days of self-isolation. Everyone avoids it, so it does not sail to the capital.

One of the most luxurious resorts in the world is full of tourists from Lithuania - prices have dropped significantly

© Orijus Gasanovas

As of February 3, the weekly average of COVID-19 virus infections is 127 cases. Although it sounds unimpressive, we must bear in mind that the country is small, there are a total of 503 thousand people living on the 203 inhabited islands, similar to Vilnius. To prevent the statistics from increasing, the Maldivian authorities have introduced strict controls on arrivals. Every tourist must report a negative coronavirus test result. Also, upon departure, you must take a test before the flight and again, as proof that you were not infected during the holidays on the islands. Those who test positive for longer stays in the Maldives stay in special, independent hotels. People have to pay for their accommodation in them, on their own. It costs about 50-60 euros a day.

The coronavirus has slashed prices in the luxurious Maldives. Most of the island’s hotels, which used to cost more than 1,000 euros a night, have cut prices by 20 or even 50 percent. It is true that it was felt more in November-December, and now they have already started to rise again. Naturally, the demand is increasing, entrepreneurs do not take advantage, they try to take advantage of the situation. Although the prices circulating until the beginning of 2020 have not really risen yet, and probably will not do so in the near future.

One of the most luxurious resorts in the world is full of tourists from Lithuania - prices have dropped significantly

© Orijus Gasanovas

Accommodation in Maldives can now be found from 50-60 euros per night up to much higher amounts. On average, tourists from Lithuania and other countries in our region pay between 100 and 200 euros per night. As for the Maldives, it is quite cheap.

As foreign journalists writing about the Maldives point out, this country did not require much effort to attract tourists. First of all, rich, well-known and high-profile people began to emerge here. Singers, actors, businessmen. By sharing their vacation moments, they naturally did a great service to the Maldives, showing the world that this country is open, that you can go to it and vacation like we used to.

One of the most luxurious resorts in the world is full of tourists from Lithuania - prices have dropped significantly

© Orijus Gasanovas

Similarly, the Maldives has recently become popular in Lithuania. Dozens of stars and stars of our country have flocked to the exotic islands, which have been sharing their Christmas images every day for a good month. The country’s free advertising has worked: planes with our tourists land at Malé International Airport every day. People fly here through Frankfurt, through Istanbul, through Doha, through Dubai. Airfare prices ranged between 600 and 800 euros round trip throughout the month of January. Now, with increased demand, its price has risen. But with a good search, you can find really convenient and inexpensive flights. Alongside the cheap air tickets, there were also offers from our tour operators for a vacation in Maldives for 1300-1500 euros, which included not only air tickets, but also a week-long hotel stay.

At present, many Lithuanians can be found in the Maldives, both in the cheapest ones where the locals live and in the most luxurious tourist ones. Just like our usual resorts in Turkey or Egypt before. People came on vacation as a couple, as a family, in the company of friends. Interestingly, many opted for a vacation of more than a week, deciding to stay in the Maldives for two weeks or even a month. For many, this decision was determined by the quarantine currently in force in our country and the self-isolation applied to returnees from foreign countries.

Lithuanians who come on vacation to the Maldives are happy that the existence of the virus and its consequences are hardly felt on these islands. On the islands, tourists can walk without masks, they should only be used by staff in hotels, bars, cafes and other places that provide services. Island guests are only “recommended” to wear a mask, but pay little attention.

One of the most luxurious resorts in the world is full of tourists from Lithuania - prices have dropped significantly

© Orijus Gasanovas

Meetings are not prohibited here either. As a result, large groups of friends can be seen both on the beaches and in the restaurant areas. This is what Lithuanians have become accustomed to.

Arriving in the Maldives right now, it feels like nothing terrible is happening in the world. A kind of bubble where coronavirus-themed people try not to touch it.

The only thing that bothers tourists is that it is still not possible to move freely around the Maldives. In the past, people could change tourist island on a daily basis, moving from one hotel to another, and now this right is severely restricted. If you are resting on a tourist island, the other may not let you in. Although local tour operators are working hard to change or at least relax these restrictions.

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