One of the most famous pianists in the country, P. Geniušas, celebrates his 60th birthday: the family rejoices with a bouquet of 60 nails.


Pianist Petras Geniušas for the portal He said his birthday surprises started Friday night. At midnight, his wife, graphic artist Kristina Norvilaitė-Geniušienė, and their daughter were amazed by presenting an impressive number of their favorite flowers.

“After midnight, wife and daughter were surprised by serving 60 teeth. I like flowers, but more nails, these flowers are perfect for men. I don’t know how they managed to hide such a large bouquet from me at home, ”laughed P. Genius.

Photo of the pianist Petras Geniušas with his wife Kristina / Greta Skaraitienė.

Photo of the pianist Petras Geniušas with his wife Kristina / Greta Skaraitienė.

The celebrated musician hinted that while the past few years have been difficult for many people in the arts and on stage, it has been an equally active and productive period for him. His pedagogical activities were carried out remotely, and the piano keys were not dusty either, although to an empty audience the concerts still appear to be recorded and virtually broadcast.

When celebrating his birthday, P. Genius did not hide that he still felt the yearning of the audience, but at the same time he looked at the situation positively and saw the positive side. “I think it is beneficial for all artists to take a break. When everything is over, we will return to the audience with double passion. ” he said.

It is true that the year 2020 was special for P. Genius, not only because of the pandemic that turned the world upside down, but also because of the increase in the family: he became a grandfather. The musician’s son, pianist Lukas Geniušas, and his wife, pianist Anna Geniušienė, gave him their first grandson.

Lukas and Petras Geniušai / Photo by Greta Skaraitienė /

Lukas and Petras Geniušai / Photo by Greta Skaraitienė / “PEOPLE Photo”

“Due to the pandemic, I cannot spend real time with my grandson, so now I am joking that I am an online grandfather. Still, the birth of a grandchild brought me a lot of joy. My love came to him in a very natural way, at first sight ”, the pianist opened, who on the occasion of his birthday wished all his loved ones to stay healthy.

Photo by Lukas Geniušas and Petras Geniušas / Linas Bielinis

Photo by Lukas Geniušas and Petras Geniušas / Linas Bielinis

Musical achievements of Peter Genius

Petras Geniušas was born into a family of musicians in Vilnius. He studied with prof. Jurgis Karnavičius at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater, later with prof. Vera Gornostayev at the Moscow Conservatory.

Having won several major awards in prestigious pianist competitions, he has established himself as one of the most talented and mature pianists of his generation.

In addition to the regular concert activities in Lithuania, Petras Geniušas has gained international recognition for his performances in more than forty countries and in the most famous concert halls in the world.

Petras Geniušas is famous as a demanding and inspiring lecturer, giving master classes in Vilnius, Tokyo and Osaka, the Royal Academy of Music in London (1996–1998), Swedish masterclasses and Lithuanian “Baltic Academy”, 1992–1998. teaching at Yamaha Masterclasses in Tokyo.

Petras Geniušas / Photo by Dmitrijus Matvejevas

Petras Geniušas / Photo by Dmitrijus Matvejevas

Petras Geniušas is a professor at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater. He has been teaching at the Royal Academy of Scotland since 2015.

His discography includes several critically and publicly acclaimed recordings published by various German, Japanese and Lithuanian publishers. 2004 Monika Juozapavičiūtė’s documentary “Improvisation. Subject: Petras Geniušas ”, in which the pianist presents himself not as a fractured“ lion ”of concert halls, but in his everyday surroundings in Vilnius, Moscow and London with family, friends, colleagues and students.

For his extensive concerts and creative activities, Petras Geniušas was awarded the Lithuanian National Prize for Art and Culture (1992) and the Prize of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) (2004). 2011 Petras Geniušas received the badge of honor from the Ministry of Culture “Bring your light and create”. 2015 awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Order of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas.

Greetings from the Heads of State

On the occasion of the anniversary, Petras Geniušas received congratulations not only from family, friends and colleagues, but also from the President of Lithuania, Gitanas Nausėda, and from Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė.

“When you play the piano keys on stage and the music plays, your talent opens up before us with all its strength and aesthetic beauty, a gift from great creators and personalities, which allows you to hear more clearly, feel deeper. , see with more sensitivity. . And this confirms every time that music is your life, destiny and vocation, a history recovered and lived in your own way ”, says the greeting of President Gitanas Nausėda.

According to the head of the country, the music performed by Maestro is what Lithuania is very proud of and appreciates throughout the art world. For many years, P.Geniušas introduces Lithuania to the world and opens the treasures of world music to our country with rich and rich concert activities.

Petras Geniušas / Photo by Lukas Balandus / Žmonė

Petras Geniušas / Photo by Lukas Balandus / Žmonė

Inspired by innovative ideas, he brings together other musicians for interesting and innovative projects. Creative Passions of Vedinas You share your knowledge and professionalism with young musicians and have raised many stars that shone in Lithuania and abroad. I thank you with great respect for the creative light that you appreciate and spread! ”- said the president.

“You are a famous piano virtuoso, a versatile artist who has mastered a very wide repertoire of musical works. Your talent and exclusive forms of expression open to listeners the treasures of timeless classics, invite you to discover the world of avant-garde music or jazz. History testifies that both his solo concerts and his performances with various ensembles from Vilnius to Tokyo are always waiting for a large group of fans. It is very important that you pass on your inspiring experience and musical wisdom to the students, and they carry on the beautiful traditions, ”Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė said in her greeting.

Recording of P.Geniušas’s concert:
