One in five people in the country suffers from this liver disease: a doctor advised how to prevent it


According to the World Health Organization, 2 million people die each year from chronic liver disease and the prevalence of liver cirrhosis is 9 percent. all populations.

“There are several types of acute viral hepatitis, chronic viral hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis (NSAIDs). All of these are reversible processes until liver cirrhosis develops, ”says nutritionist Dr. Rūta Petereit.

Rūta Petereit

Rūta Petereit

© Photo of the organization

According to her, NASKL is the most common liver disease in the world: it affects 25 percent. people. In 2025, the disease is projected to be the leading cause of liver transplantation.

“The situation in Lithuania is not much better than in the rest of the world: one in five inhabitants of the country suffers from this disease. You have to worry about the liver because many patients do not feel any symptoms and do not have liver pain. Some people can feel general fatigue, weakness, they can feel the right side of the abdomen. But most of the time it is a silent disease “, emphasizes Dr. R. Petereit.

NASKL – What is hidden under these letters?

95 percent. people with obesity also have nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30. Among those diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, between 33 and 66 percent. sick and NASKL. Researchers have found that the disease is directly related to cancer diseases, not only in the liver, but also breast cancer in women and the colon in men.

“What causes disease? There is no single reason. These include lack of physical activity, obesity, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and certain medications such as paracetamol, painkillers, antibiotics, contraceptives. Fatty foods high in saturated and processed fats and excessive sugar intake can also cause liver damage. Therefore, I would advise paying attention to the composition when choosing any product, so that 100 g does not contain more than 5 g of sugar ”, comments the dietician.

One in five people in the country suffers from this liver disease: a doctor advised how to prevent it

He adds that even herbal supplements can damage the liver, so without consulting a doctor, especially when supplements are bought outside the pharmacy and the actual composition is not known, they should not be used.

“My colleague prof. Skilful. Dr. Limas Kupčinskas has said that people imagine that their body is like a plant, that when added to fertilizers, in this case, by drinking food supplements, it will grow beautifully and quickly and flourish. However, food supplements are not fertilizers used in crop production and they do not do wonders. I repeat the same thing to my patients: it is better not to abuse supplements, because it is possible to do more harm than good ”, says Dr. R Petereit.

Although NASKL is commonly associated with obesity, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure, the disease can also affect people who are overweight and of normal weight. In this case, the doctor may even feel the enlarged liver.

“Four years ago a survey was conducted that revealed that every fifth resident of a country with a normal body weight can have fatty liver, because their lifestyle can be chaotic: a lot of stress, little physical activity, processed fats, too much sugar. Therefore, losing weight does not guarantee resistance to this disease ”, says the doctor.

I love your liver, but how?

According to dr. R. Petereit, you need to love and protect your liver. This requires a change in attitude and the recognition that everyone can have a fatty liver, which is why it is very important to lead a healthier life.

“Physical activity is necessary after at least 30 minutes. five times a week. Limit alcohol consumption: a woman can drink one glass of wine a day and a man two. Every Friday or Monday, for example, can become a fish day, you must include more good fats in your diet. The most important thing is to constantly monitor your health: weight control, high blood pressure, cholesterol. As long as the liver is fatty, it is still a reversible process, when it is enough to change the lifestyle for the liver to be completely healthy again ”, he explains.



© Photo of the organizers

The necessary phospholipids, according to a nutritionist, are true rescuers of damaged liver, because they not only protect liver cells, but also help to maintain a constant composition of bile, reduce the tendency to form stones, regulate the metabolism of lipoproteins and normalize impaired liver function. These drugs promote liver regeneration and improve the general condition of the liver.

“If the doctors themselves do not offer themselves, I would advise requesting a blood test during the visit to the family doctor, which would show the status of liver enzymes.” If they are higher, they do not necessarily exceed the limit, which is still a sign that liver enzymes need to be restored, and this requires a course of phospholipids. They should be used for at least 3-6 months to cleanse your liver, ”advises Dr. R. Petereit.

According to her, a course of phospholipids once a year would not harm once and for all those who suffer from obesity, type 2 diabetes, especially if they sometimes bathe on the right side, with high cholesterol.

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