On the territory of the Sparta plant in Vilnius, 50 million Eur of construction


Aware: 2020-12-09 10:09

A planned technological city is located on the territory of the Sparta factory. Company photo

Business beginnings

In the Naujamiestis district of the capital, in the former territory of the Sparta factory, the construction of an office city begins, in which more than 50 million will be invested. EUR.

As reported by the cybersecurity solutions company Tesonet, which is the main investor and tenant of the project, the building license was obtained in October and the works will begin soon.

We look forward to moving to a new location where we plan to train over 1,500 of our colleagues. As we do so, we think about expansion and even more new jobs. We’re expecting other tech companies in town, says Tom Okman, co-owner of Tesonet.

According to him, the start of construction allows more tenants to be more actively involved. It was previously announced that the investor himself would lease 15,000 m2. m of office space.

On the territory of almost 2 ha on Vitrigailos street, four commercial buildings should be erected in the city of Cyber ​​city, where it is desired to concentrate Lithuanian technology companies. Approximately 35,000 square meters. m of buildings projected offices, cooperation, recreational spaces, commercial premises.

photo :: 1left

The construction, which has been selected as the general contractor for the construction of Icor’s Veikms company, is scheduled to be completed in the second quarter of 2022.

1963 to build the old factory in Sparta vitrigailos str. The manufacturer’s investors acquired 32 in 2018, then production moved to Naujamiestis. Tesonet real estate with partners in 2019.

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