On the story of an injured woman who ran into a store in Kaunas: the arrest of a suspect


The issue of the pre-trial detention of an emergency room suspected of having committed acts of violence against a partner was resolved today at the Kaunas Palace of the Kaunas District Court.

It is suspected that ER in 2021. April 1 At approximately 5:10 pm, in the taromat of the Iki shopping center in Kaunas, under the influence of alcohol (0.46 average intoxication), he used physical violence against a partner of fourth, that is, he deliberately stabbed her once in the neck area with a knife, thus injuring the victim.

The victim ran away to the mall.

The prosecutor asked the court to detain the ER for two months. The court granted the prosecutor’s request, a court spokeswoman said on Friday.

The suspect was sentenced by the emergency court to two months in detention, and found that ER had been convicted four times in the past, almost all of his convictions for crimes against human health. He is unemployed and therefore does not have a stable source of income. He is divorced, he does not have a permanent residence because he lives in a house provided by his acquaintances. The established circumstances confirm that ER does not have resistant family, social or work relationships in Lithuania.

“It was found that he systematically used physical violence against the victim <...> In addition, a pre-trial investigation is underway in which the alleged emergency department may have used a knife as a tool in the crime, potentially injuring the victim, and there are reasons to believe that they could commit other crimes including serious ones, against the victim. same victim while at large.

This decision can be appealed to the Kaunas Regional Court within twenty days by the suspect or his lawyer, and by the prosecutor within three days from the date of its adoption, by filing the appeal through the Kaunas Chamber of the Kaunas District Court.
