On the outskirts of the city of Aukštaitija – a bloody feast: killed for entertainment for two nights


Unfortunately. The Daniels’ fence in S. Lasis was covered with traces of their bloody atrocities. Of the herd of eighty Daniels, almost half was cut. Of the more than three dozen pregnant females, whose owners had to please the little deer in June, only one survived … Interestingly, the predators did not actually touch the males, only one young male was euthanized.

The losses are enormous: a woman costs at least € 300 in the market. The damage is not only measured in money. This five-year-old herd was so welcoming that the animals had their own names and ate from their hands. Who can gaze indifferently at the fallen bodies of Daniels, knowing that the predator has killed not only the female but her unborn baby as well?

Broke the fortress

Wolf advocates often complain that sheep, cow, and other animal keepers don’t pay enough attention to pet safety. To prevent your guarded and guarded sanctity wolf from entering the enclosure, wolf advocates recommend grabbing fences that reach almost to the sky and digging deep underground so that the predator doesn’t get lost underneath. It is this farmer’s compound, where a herd of 80 daniels has been cultivated in an area of ​​4 ha, which would satisfy even the most demanding critic.

Fences are not just for them, they are really strong. This is evidenced by the fact that the wolves did not even try to dig under them. And the height is such that no predator will jump like this. After all, the wolf is an intelligent and persistent predator. He entered the compound through a small ditch. It should not be assumed that the fence fence was blocked without reaching the bottom of the trench. The trench was covered with a metal net. The wolves tore his teeth and bent their rods.

Once on the premises, they enjoyed deer hunting for two nights: Monday through Tuesday and Tuesday through Wednesday.

Beloved pets

Daniel’s fence is beautiful, you could say elegant, not just for you, just a fenced field. It has a couple of plains to sprinkle, a hill, a pond for the thirsty to drink and a ditch to feed it with water. And various covered meals, cots. They show an abundance of beaten oats. The cabins are rich in hay. Next to the pond: a small tree obtained by the fallow deer to hide from the heat and the horn. The interlocutors are open: animals never lack food, so they do not compete for it. In winter, the herd visited and fed daily. Now visit every day or every other day.

Hosts obviously love their own animals. Even now, almost terribly frightened, the Daniels, hearing the teacher’s voice, let the people get quite close. No wonder: after all, they are tame, they have names, delicacies are taken from their hands. People are not afraid: the children of the hosts often come to the premises to choose fallen croissants, to feed the animals what delicacies.

The hosts have yet to tell the children about the disaster. Fear of reactions. After all, in a month and a half, the most beautiful and long-awaited news would be received: seeing daniels with puppies. Unfortunately. At best, only one baby will see the world in the pack. How to say that there will be no puppies this year? And the adults secretly wiped away a single tear. Prevent the children from seeing what the wolves did …

Not for people with weak nerves

Pictures in the compound, not for people with weak nerves. It’s covered in cut daniels. Wolves are true professionals: many die in a throat. The belly of various animals. The party of the wolves cannot be called that barbarism: they only tried to eat one or two animals. Killed simply for fun.

Why are only fallow deer slaughtered? The answer is simple: it was time for them to marry chicks. As a result, they not only carried a new life, but also added weight under their hearts. As a result, they are slower, more difficult. And while the wolves chased the pack, the more agile males were simply more agile. And the females were separated from the herd, clinging to the fence of the fence, at its corners, on a hill to a hill. A couple of Daniel’s corpses were found in the pond. Another nasty thing that caused the wolves to avoid Daniel’s males was their horns. It is true that he survived long if the most beautiful male in the pack, the wizard, resisted the attack. Because he had nothing to defend himself, he dropped his horns. Fortunately, the wolves failed to catch him.

The wolf saw it on Saturday too

Interestingly, the wolves are no longer hiding. Daniel’s teacher saw them around town on Saturday. A couple of wolves meet in the quieter bidzhen field.

Why did the wolves cut off the Daniels? They usually run in those lines in the fall when they teach children to hunt. But now they have just given birth to their young or have been waiting for them for the past few weeks. So the care and food of her busy maternity ward are run by other gang members. Obviously the wolves weren’t intending to eat the daniels – just take a couple more seriously. And others cut and fall.

The interviewed hunters from the Žiobiškis circle claim that this is the nature of a predator. Instinct. And the Daniels in the compound are easy prey for them. There is no shortage of food for wolves – deer have been plentiful in recent years. But catching a deer in the wild is not the same as catching a deer in an enclosure.

It is interesting that in the vicinity of Žiobiškis, the herds of deer formed a herd of 18 of these animals in the wild. And it does not increase at all. Predators seem to exterminate the young.

How much do the Daniels cost?

The state, of course, announces that it is partially compensating for the damage caused by the wolves. But the hosts of the Daniels are not expecting a miracle. Although the event was recorded, he provided the necessary documents.

They are open: If the state did not reimburse the full price but the full market price for the slaughtered animals, then the size of the wolf population would also be considered a bit more responsible. Now the wolf is holy and the environment is to blame. As already mentioned, the price of a Daniel woman starts at 300 euros. A good and productive male – from 1000 euros. It is not difficult to calculate: 31 pregnant females were euthanized. Calculating its minimum price would mean a net loss of more than € 9,000. And that’s not counting the murdered young male, the unborn cubs.

It takes about 8 years of careful care to grow a beautiful branched deer. Daniels usually live up to 15 years in good condition. The herds raised by these farmers are now five. And in this enclosure, it had already reached the optimal size. It is estimated that 20 hectares are enough for one hectare. The four hectare area is now grazed by a herd of 80 animals. Of which some males remained.

Is it possible to rebuild the herd quickly? The interlocutors say that now they will have to look for and buy pregnant females. However, it will take more than a year of work and effort to rebuild a devastated herd in two nights.

Farmers are not sitting with folded hands: a net carved by wolves is already being replaced in the ditch to protect at least the remaining fallow deer. Because there is no question: once they find the prey, they will visit here more often.

The interlocutors do not hide: when protecting property, animals, it is not only necessary to look at the welfare of wolves. But also take into account your actual numbers, the actual damage done, and draw the correct conclusions. Every winter wolf hunting quotas increase slightly, but they are actually too low. And the wolf population in our area is large. This is evidenced in their annual attacks, in which several dozen animals are slaughtered.
