On the Kupiškis Hospital website: account number and request for assistance. Is the medical institution threatened?


15 minutes He received a call for help from Kupiškis: at the beginning of last week, the doctors who had to receive salaries did not receive the money, as well as no explanation.

Reported costs exceeded revenue

The medical letter received by the portal indicates that in September the employees of the Kupiškis Hospital found brochures that explained that due to the reduction in the number of services in July and the change in the payment procedure of the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (PSDF) , the institution’s expenses in August exceeded income.

According to the administration of the institution, it was decided to pay the salaries in installments: those who earn 500 euros or less will receive their salaries in one go, those with higher salaries in two installments, initially paying 500 euros, and the rest when they receive PSDF funding.

According to the letter, the problems have since worsened, as doctors received payroll on October 12, but the bills remained empty – there was no money last Friday.

As always, nobody knows anything. The accountant reported that there is no money and no one knows when they will see it.

“It just came to our attention then. The accountant said there is no money and no one knows when they will see it, the statement said. 15 minutes in a addressed letter. – There are no meetings, no talks with the doctors. Why is this happening? Employees fear for the future because it is so lazy. Maybe we are going to close the hospital? “

Photo of Vidmantas Balkūnas Hospital.  Associative photo.

Photo of Vidmantas Balkūnas Hospital. Associative photo.

Further, 15 minutes The following entry was found on the Kupiškis Hospital website: “Kupiškis Hospital is currently going through a very difficult period, solving many problems that in one way or another can change the fate not only of the hospital, but of the entire Kupiškis district. With the utmost respect for you, if you are indifferent to our problems, please support the Kupiškis Hospital doctors. ” And here is also the hospital bank account to which support can be transferred.

What is happening in this hospital, which treats, among other things, suspected COVID-19 patients? Has the treatment center faced the problem of survival?

Manager: problems are temporary

R. Ramanauskienė, director of a medical institution with 161 employees 15 minutes He assured that the Kupiškis Hospital does not really face big problems, and these problems are temporary.

The payment of salaries took several days, he said, due to the need to settle accounts with suppliers.

Today we should get last month’s money.

“There are no big problems, some services have a little unearned money, but we are waiting, today we should receive last month’s money. Salaries need a lot of money, there is a lot of expense and that term is being done a bit over time. Today we have to pay when we take it out of the territorial registers ”, he said.

The head of the hospital assured that currently there is no lack of protection measures.

Furthermore, he said, there is a staff shortage and the need is particularly felt after the separation of patient flows due to the coronavirus.

“It’s more of a problem, people don’t want to go to the periphery. And anyway, the flows are separate, we have enough security measures, ”he said.

He hoped that everything would go well and after receiving extra money for the treatment of coronavirus patients.

There are currently 5 feverish patients in the hospital who have undergone coronavirus testing but have yet to respond.

Your request for assistance has been deleted

When asked why a donation request was placed on the hospital page at that time, R. Ramanauskienė was very surprised.

“Where? Who asked? It was still missing! Who asked here?” He asked.

Shortly after the interview, this request was removed from the Kupiškis Hospital website.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Dainius Bardauskas

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Dainius Bardauskas

Mayor of Kupiškis Dainius Bardauskas 15 minutes stated that he had instructed the deputy mayor in charge of health matters to clarify the situation in the Kupiškis hospital.

“I will return to the municipality, we will definitely keep an eye on it. Anyway, this was news to me personally on Monday, I still can’t say anything. We will explain what there is, why, who and how ”, he assured.

When asked about the account number and request for support, the mayor said he did not know who was running such campaigns, but found them strange.

“I never heard about it. Maybe that and, of course, the time is delicate now, the elections can be anything. But we will definitely explain this situation,” he emphasized.

Recently, doctors are outraged that treatment facilities are not getting all the money they should have. A statement signed Monday by the Young Doctors Association and the Lithuanian Health Workers Union said it was concerning that medical institutions have not yet received money for all costs incurred during the quarantine, and that doctors no longer have access to legal allowances for hazardous working conditions.
