On the invisible side, D. Gudelis revealed the story of the departure of D. Sirvydis and the agent’s 425,000. value requirement


This time, the invisible side of the “Tomas Langvinis” program spoke with a shareholder of the Vilnius “Rytas” club Darius Gudel.

This show explores the history of David Sirvydis’s contract when he moved to the Detroit Pistons through one stopover, the Hapoel Club of Jerusalem.

“There’s a lot of business in basketball, especially when it comes to acquisitions of this size. That business isn’t always ethical, it’s not always honest, and it’s not always driven by long-term goals – you just want to make money in the here and now, regardless of the work and the investment you make. We want the truth, that’s why we will defend our rights “, said D. Gudelis.

“He stole a huge amount from the club, which the club would have received if the player had gone straight from the Morning to the Pistons. As early as March, Sirvydis agents and representatives had in mind how to get Sirvydis out of the Morning Club. On March 19, they threw the first stone and were lucky that the club did not react adequately and took action within 6 days – they said they were terminating the contract. The claim was an alleged debt of 5,000 euros for the rent of the apartment and the utility bills. And it is questionable whether the club committed an infraction. Here the relationship between Sirvydis and Rytas exploded. It was clear that he would not stay, ”said sports law attorney Antanas Paulauskas.

“We have proven that current utility bill debt is no reason to terminate the contract. They then took a second step, offering to sign a new contract and terminate the old one, where the conditions for the player do not change at all, the salary remains the same, the bonuses remain the same. There is only one annex to the contract, which stipulates that if Sirvydis goes to the NBA, US $ 425,000 will be credited to his representative’s account. Instead of “Rytas”, agent Marius Rutkauskas receives compensation in a personal account. Feel free to cheat or imply that you speak, and it all came in an official email. Now we can prove it boldly. They told us that if we didn’t agree, we would find a club in Europe that would do it, ”said D. Gudelis and the contract offer was shown on the screen.

“Everything would be legal if Sirvydis went to another club in Europe to play in the Israeli championship there. As we see, he has not entered there this season and he has not played a single match,” added D. Gudelis.

“If you look at the contract, there was an indirect transfer from Sirvydis to PIstons. In other sports, like football, these transitions do occur, but they are prohibited. They break the law. We believe that something can be achieved in this case. We have no doubt that there are many opportunities to restore justice and that the part of the compensation that has been cut would be reimbursed. This will require a lot of effort and legal litigation. In reality, Sirvydis would suffer in this situation, not the Pistons or Hapoel. The basketball player was “stuffed” by people under the legal train, “said A. Paulauskas.

Krepsinis.net recalls that “Rytas” received 190 thousand. ransom, and the NBA club would have paid $ 600,000. euros.

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