On the invisible, but very important, role in the operating room: the reckless action of this specialist can have extremely painful consequences.


Before the operation, the patient usually communicates with the surgeon and anesthesiologist, but many more team members can be found in the operating room, such as you, the anesthesia and intensive care nurse, in other words, the anesthetist. Tell us about this lesser known specialty.

It is true that very few know the work of anesthetists. Even my grandmother, who had been in the operating room many times, didn’t know what she was doing (laughs) and sometimes she asked me “what are you doing there?” Understandably, patients do not notice that not only a surgeon and an anesthesiologist work in the operating room, but also, for example, an anesthetist, whose work, like all members of the surgical team, is very responsible, because reckless or hasty action can affect the well-being of the patient.

The anesthetist is the primary partner of the anesthesiologist. For example, we record everything that happens in the operating room: when, how much and what drugs were injected, what actions the members of the operational team took. However, when working as an anesthesiologist, it is important not only to constantly monitor the time, document the course of the operation and follow the instructions of the anesthesiologist, but also to “have your head on your shoulders” to understand what is happening. and to

Can you tell us how you are preparing for surgery and what happens after the patient is taken to the operating room?

Preparation for surgery varies greatly depending on its nature. Of course, there is a certain sequence of actions that we follow. For example, in the morning, we discuss the type and course of anesthesia with an anesthesiologist and resuscitate him before surgery, make sure there are no changes, prepare and review the essential medications and the various devices used for anesthesia and the patient monitoring: artificial lung ventilation, laryngoscope, defibrillator: in the operating room we are ready for anything.

Before taking the patient to the operating room, the doctor interviews the anesthesiologist and collects information on the medication used, previous operations. I ask the same thing in the operating room, I am convinced once again that everything is as it should be. I also check, for example, which limb is to be operated on, inspecting whether the patient forgot to remove the ring, piercing or watch. In our work, it is important to check everything several times. We then perforate the peripheral vein, connect the vital signs monitoring equipment, and prepare for anesthesia.

During the operation, I monitor the patient’s condition on the monitors, if the patient is conscious, we communicate. At the end of the operation, if general anesthesia has been performed, the patient is awakened with medication and taken to a postoperative room, where the medical staff continues to monitor him. Before transferring it to the hands of the nurses in the postoperative room, I always make sure the patient is well.

V. Popova

V. Popova

© Personal album

You have to work closely with the anesthesiologist to work together; sometimes it seems that they are reading the thoughts of others. How do you do that?

An anesthesiologist must “work” with an anesthetist, become a team, and it takes time. For example, the same tandem of anesthesiologists often work on elective patients. They know each other well, they know the habits of others, they understand half a word, they remember the most used drugs and other details; It is then that the anesthesiologist and anesthesiologist team act as matching gears. Such “recovery” does not occur within a month or half a year, but over a much longer period of time.

Also, as I mentioned, we understand each other perfectly because I, as an anesthetist, know what is going on in the operating room. Mutual trust is very important for sustainable work.

Of course, we always follow algorithms: different sequences of actions are applied to different types of operations. Also, different algorithms can be used for the same operation, depending on the surgeon. If the anesthesiologist not only has a good understanding of the algorithms, but also of the surgeon’s habits, it will be much easier for everyone to work.

What personal qualities do anesthesia and intensive care nurses need?

As with anyone who works in medicine, empathy is very important. One of the most important principles that I follow in the operating room is to treat the patient the way I would like to be treated or my loved ones.

Most of the time in the hospital and in the operating room, the patient communicates with us, so it is very important not only to talk and explain future procedures, but also to be able to listen. Patients arrive scared, fearful of surgeries, so a good word reassures them. When I try to communicate, I try to give myself completely, so it’s great to hear a “thank you” from them. Of course, attention and care, the ability to take responsibility, the ability to work in a team are also important in this profession. It is important not to be afraid of innovations, to learn: every general practice nurse must constantly improve, improve her professional qualifications, expand knowledge and skills so that she is not only a “sister”, but an equal member of the team.

Equally important is a wide range of practical experience. Every nurse working in an operating room must gain experience with both planned patients and patients needing emergency medical care, as preparing for their surgeries is radically different.

What motivated you to choose the profession of anesthesiologist and intensive care nurse?

I think this job requires an innate inclination. I remember the first time I walked into the operating room, the environment and the people made a great impression – the moment I realized that I wanted to become an anesthesiologist. I was determined and immediately after graduating I completed specialization courses. The warm mutual relations in the team and the working conditions led to staying at the Vilnius Republican University Hospital. It will be five years in the fall when I work in the operating room. On the one hand, there can be a lot, but on the other hand, very little, because I am constantly interested in innovation and learning, so I never get stuck in a routine, time seems to be running out. When I come to work, I never know how my day will end and what challenges I will face. Maybe in 20-30 years I will say that I am bored, but now I can say one thing: my work is very interesting.

By the way, after finishing the course, I told myself that I would not study anymore, but I took a break and felt the desire to go back to study, I was considering going to university and doing a master’s degree in general nursing practice. Why? Because when you love your job, you want to be valued, there are many opportunities, and the doctors are also very happy and confident to have a competent anesthetist on the team, to whom you can not only give instructions, but also consult.

The patient that you are …

The patient is very important to me. I chose this specialty in part because I only had one patient at a time to care for and give my full attention. I don’t just want to come in, work the assigned hours, and close the door when they’re done. I like to focus all my attention on the person, take an interest in him in detail, and do everything I can to get professional medical help, return home in better health.

I have heard many times that there is a shortage of nurses and other medical personnel in Lithuania, and young specialists are going abroad. Why did you decide to stay and why do you recommend this specialty?

In the past, you really thought about going abroad, but temporarily, not permanently. Higher salaries are tempting, but abroad you will always be a stranger. My priorities were different, I wanted to start a family, stay in Lithuania and be useful to my country. No matter where you work, in Lithuania or Norway, it is important to feel in your place. For those who are not afraid of challenges, it is worth a try, but it must be remembered that here too we have a great need, and only we can decide what Lithuania will be like tomorrow!

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