On the eve of the holidays, a surprising surprise for Lithuanians: he recreated the events of 30 years ago.


V. Kamrazer said that the idea of ​​reuniting the former sons of the choir was a surprise. Gintautas Tautkus, a member of the group Rondo, shared a recording before February 16, in which the song is performed by the choir led by Vadim.

The choir leader said that the choir members themselves had offered to come together for the performance. “I left a comment and it was seen by one of the former kids. “The teacher says, let’s do it through a new choir, we get everyone together,” said V. Kamrazer.

However, gathering members from different countries would be difficult and almost impossible under quarantine conditions. “It’s nice, nice, but the thoughts were such that there was no possibility of collecting them. But I thought now the quarantine, everyone at home, we should try, “said Kamrazer.

The activity of the former children of the choir is surprising: the musician revealed that almost all the children who performed it 30 years ago gathered for the song “Third Sigh”. Greetings to Lithuania came from all over the world. “We have children who sent records from the United States, Belgium, Spain, we received some from Great Britain,” said Kamrazer.

The task was hardly expected 8 children

Kamrazer, when talking about his former students, still calls them children, but jokes that the word is no longer appropriate: “I still call them children. Although it is difficult to call them that when men with beards, girls raise adult children. “

Although a long time has passed, the leader of the choir still remembers the first meeting with the future choir in 1988. According to him, the director of the House of Culture proposed to put together a children’s choir, which had to be a little different than usual. at the time: not academic, but entertaining.

V. Kamrazer distributed the announcements and people’s interest in the new boys’ choir was amazing. “When I got to that first meeting, I opened the door and immediately closed it because the room was full of children. I was only expecting 8 or 10, so my knees buckled when I saw so much, ”the man joked.

Surprised by parents and children

The choir had the opportunity and performed alongside the most famous musical groups of the time. V. Kamrazeris, a member of the then popular Vairas group, met with a member of the Rondo Gintautas Tautkus group.

“I mean, Ginta, you can’t imagine how many beautiful children I have.” He offered me a deal: he gives us a song and we play it with the children with Rondo, ”the man recalled. It was a song performed by the former sons of the choir 30 years later: “The third sigh.”

The freshly baked children’s choir performed more than 5,000 years ago. people in the sports hall Kamrazer recalls that it was an incredible experience for the children, but their parents, who at first did not imagine how the choir leader would manage to implement his plans, were no less surprised.

“At that time, there were no such formations in Lithuania. My goal was for the children to sing with microphones so that they sound good and have good lights. And when I told my parents during the first meeting that we would learn songs, give concerts, and travel around Lithuania at least, I really started to laugh at myself. They asked me what nonsense you were talking about here, where would those children act here, ”recalled V. Kamrazer laughing.

The choir was a great success: Alvydas Tautkus, who was the director of the Popcentras organization at the time, offered cooperation and assistance to the choir. V. Kamrazer said that the choir was equipped with equipment, transportation, concert schedule.

“It just came to our attention then. There was a case where 60 concerts were held during the year. What does this mean for children? The concerts were held throughout the year, including the summer, the school year. A times, even a few a week. These days, those numbers are not realistic, “said the musician.

Lithuanians want unity

V. Kamrazeris admits that this holiday always evokes two feelings: although it is a joy, he said that Lithuanians lack unity. “Examples like ours, what we did with those children… We just had to offer, and you can’t imagine how life is boiling in this group of ours. Everyone remembered some events when they performed. I really want to have that unit also in Lithuania, ”said the man.

He also wishes people happiness and not to be afraid to say that you are happy: “Do not be ashamed to say that you are happy, do not be afraid to say this. On that occasion, I would like to wish it to all the people of Lithuania. “

The former children of the choir, who have gathered for the song, also send a general greeting: “We are the children who once sang the song“ THIRD ATICULATION ”at the Vilnius Palace of Sports. It still lives in our memory and today we, former children and now adult men and women, scattered all over the world, gathered our beloved leader Vadim Kamrazer, more than 30 years later, we want to encourage all the people of Lithuania and congratulate the 11 March on the occasion! Let’s be free! Let’s be independent! Let’s be united! And most importantly, let us cherish our wonderful and beautiful Homeland … Happy Holidays, Lithuania! “
