On the Europe COVID-19 map, Lithuania is in the red zone


Travelers from European Union red zone countries may be subject to more stringent requirements – people are advised to check them even just before travel as the rules change quite frequently. For example, recently Norway stricter entry rules for Lithuanians.

It is convenient to consult the latest rules applied by each country on the EU website. reopen.europa.eu/lt. They are also quickly updated on the website of the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. keliauk.urm.lt.

The most recent ECDC map shows only a handful of “green” countries in Central Europe. Bulgaria and Sweden, which are now popular with tourists, entered the red zone along with Lithuania.

ECDC identifies the colored zone by estimating a new two-week morbidity rate of 100,000. population and the proportion of positive tests.

According to the Department of Statistics, the number of new illnesses in 14 days is 100,000. Lithuania’s population increased to 260.4 cases and the proportion of positive diagnostic tests reached 4.3 percent.

Travelers from countries in the green zone may be exempt or subject to minimal restrictions, while those arriving from countries in the dark red zone are subject to the strictest restrictions.

Lithuania also distributes the rules for people who return and arrive according to the countries to which they come. People from non-immune countries in the red zone must have a negative COVID-19 test and isolate.

More stringent requirements may apply to travelers from European Union red zone countries.

On Friday it will be clarified if the entry rules of other countries in this zone will change after Lithuania enters the red zone. On Fridays, the Ministry of Health publishes the latest list of countries affected by the coronavirus and the latest requirements for travelers.

Some European countries are already announcing a new rule on the “validity” of vaccines. Croatia and Austria became the first countries to introduce a new rule: how long is a human vaccine “valid”. Travelers are considered immunized 270 days after the second dose (approximately 9 months).

In Lithuania, since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 has infected 291 thousand people. 969 people, of which 6276 are still ill.

A total of 4,466 people died from COVID-19, with 9,119 deaths directly and indirectly related to COVID-19.
