On the day of the Lithuanian flag, a tricolor was solemnly hoisted on the tower of Gediminas Castle.


“This traditional flag ceremony recalls not only that on January 1, 1919, on the tower of Gediminas Castle, the tricolor as a symbol of free Lithuania was raised for the first time by a group of Lithuanian volunteers. At the same time, it is an opportunity to remember that freedom and independence are not a gift. 50-70 years ago, people secretly embroidered Tricolor on partisan uniforms, erected church towers or factory chimneys, or 33 years ago raised their noses in front of the Communist First Secretary, or on January 13, believed in the power of this symbol. Because they knew they were on the other side with her. On the side of goodness, Lithuania, nation, independence. On the side of freedom. Our duty today is to continue with this important and honorable mission: to protect our freedom and to be determined to defend it, ”says Minister of National Defense Arvydas Anušauskas.

In 2020, the Garliava Juozas Lukša Gymnasium flag, which flew from the tower and was solemnly lowered during the ceremony, will be entrusted for safekeeping. This school was selected and evaluated for its purposeful activities, which justify the honorable name given to the gymnasium, fostering the memory of the Lithuanian resistance, as well as for the active activities that bring together not only the gymnasium and the Garliava community, but also others. Lithuanian and district schools. The flag will be presented at the Juozas Lukša Gymnasium during the next holiday, when we will have the opportunity to meet again.

Soldiers assisting the National Center for Public Health also solemnly commemorated Lithuanian Flag Day today. During the eastern alignment, while singing the anthem of the Republic of Lithuania, the soldiers of the National Combat Volunteer Forces of the Great Combat District 8th flag raised their donated flag near the building of the National Public Health Center in Vilnius.

The tricolor as a sign of a free Lithuania was erected for the first time on January 1, 1919 in the tower of Gediminas Castle by a platoon of ten volunteers: officer Kazys Škirpa, military officers Jonas Nistelis and Petras Gužas, soldiers Albinas Rauba, Romualdas Marcalis, Pranas Plauska, Jonas Norvila, Mikas Steplyuskas, Mikas Slyvaplyas, and Stasys Butkus.

The raised flag was accompanied by gunfire, after which the volunteers sang the Lithuanian anthem. Unfortunately, the Lithuanian tricolor lifted for the first time did not last long. 1919 January 6 The Bolsheviks who occupied Vilnius ripped the yellow and green colors from the tricolor, leaving only the red.

After five decades of occupation, with the beginning of Lithuania’s national rebirth, the Lithuanian flag was raised again on the tower of Gediminas Castle on October 7, 1988. After the restoration of Lithuanian independence, on October 1 January was declared a national holiday – Lithuanian Flag Day.
