Officials investigating tax evasion plans at Grill London had to extract evidence from the river bottom.


Both suspects, believed to have ruined a major tax evasion plan, were released by the court for a month.

“While in general, suspects can obstruct the investigation, affect witnesses who have not yet been questioned and can destroy, hide certain elements relevant to the pre-trial investigation, as well as falsify some accounting documents. The prosecutor provided data that the computer equipment has been hidden and destroyed since the time of his arrest, “Judge Violeta Miceikienė explained her decision to arrest the suspects on Wednesday afternoon.

Almost at the same time, 1 p.m. 58 minutes ago, Kaunas firefighters received a request for police assistance.

Authorities said there may be evidence of a crime at the bottom of the Kruna stream near Karčiupis village.

Divers with a boat at the bottom of the stream actually found clues, the truth of what these things are is not detailed.

The Kaunas police have confirmed that these leads are related to the Grill London case.

“As a request was received regarding the information published in the daily events of the Fire and Rescue Service on assistance to police officers, we confirm that the objects were registered during the actions of this pre-trial investigation,” confirmed the Kaunas police. “At the instructions of the prosecutor organizing the investigation, at this time, in the active phase of the investigation, so as not to jeopardize the success of the investigation, neither the Kaunas County Police nor the Kaunas Regional Prosecutor’s Office provide more information and details. “

15 minutes recalls that during the investigation it was established that the head of Grill London A.Lavrinavičius and the president of the association ESmotorsport E.Staponkus, by prior agreement, January 1 to 2019, December 31 transferred more than 400 thousand LTL from the network companies catering to the account of another institution as support. euros

These actions are aimed at avoiding taxes in the amount of at least 125,470 euros and, as a result, the State Tax Inspectorate has received known incorrect data on A.Lavrinavičius’s income, earnings, assets and the provision of business support.

The company is suspected of recovering a separate portion of the cash support money, and the president of an unidentified sports association collected the money and also withheld a percentage, distributing other funds.

In this way, the catering network avoided paying rates above 750 MSL due to allegedly incorrect support reports.

People unaware of the crime were instructed to enter potentially incorrect data on the income, earnings, assets, and support reports of the companies listed, according to law enforcement.

E. Staponkus is also suspected as a member and chairman of the board and chairman of the motorsports club, and therefore responsible for the accuracy of the accounting data provided by the company, as of 2019. May 6 From 15 to 15, with the aim of concealing the assets, income, expenses and profits of the company, he deliberately carried out fraudulent accounts of the company, and from May 6. Until November 27, the company transferred more than two hundred thousand euros to a foreign company based in Florida, USA, for non-commercial services, which increased the company’s costs unreasonably to avoid taxes of almost thirty and five thousand euros.

June 29 Officials from the Kaunas County Chief Police Criminal Economic Crime Investigation Board along with colleagues from other counties in one county in 5 counties, involving 130 criminal police officers and representatives from the State Tax Inspectorate, organized and carried out 40 searches for premises of the public catering network. , in cars. At least 100 people have already been questioned as witnesses.

More than € 950,000 and more than $ 41,000 in cash, possibly for criminal activity, were found and seized during the search.

By the way, 15 minutes on a possible salary envelope scheme at the Grill London network wrote in 2018. March.
