Official: Remigijus Šimašius and Agnė Matulaitė divorce case opened in court


The couple’s divorce case will start soon. The first hearing will take place at the Vilnius City District Court on June 15.

It is indicated that the couple wishes to divorce by joint decision.

However, R. Šimašius and A. Matulaitė will probably not meet in the corridors of the court; court hearings, as announced, will take place in a written process.

Official: Remigijus Šimašius and Agnė Matulaitė divorce case opened in court

© DELFI / Karolina Pansevič

The divorce was reported on social media.

“After sixteen years of living together, eleven years of marriage, I decided to get divorced. The decision is far from being impulsive or reckless, on the contrary, strongly felt, reconsidered many times, measured, including those few months when I live alone, ”wrote R. Šimašius. He also explained the reasons for this decision.

“Unfortunately, there is usually no simple one-sentence answer to life’s most important questions, and attempts to formulate it seem too lax. In any case, I accept the divorce and the fact that I have to take this step as my defeat, which I have to admit, painful as it is. This decision does not change the fact that we had beautiful times together during those sixteen years, we did not lack respect and support from others, for which I am grateful to Agne. Agnė is a strong, sincere and good person, from whom I learned a lot, to whom I am very grateful, and a very good mother. However, in the long run, the relationships could not be maintained in such a way as to bring joy and contribute to the happiness we all deserve, ”the mayor of Vilnius announced his divorce on Facebook in January.

A. Matulaitė herself responded to the news published about the painful life event.

The woman shared her sensitive letter on social media. In it, Agnė hinted that the divorce was a very unexpected and one-sided decision by her husband, and the pain she experienced was difficult to describe in words. A. Matulaitė agreed to share his thoughts with Delphi readers.

“It just came to our attention then. An unexpected, traumatic and one-sided decision, as Remigijus Šimašius himself writes. I went through the entire fall without seeing the fall. When I was left alone, the whole world suddenly collapsed. For a time, nobody It seemed real: a table, my clothes, a chair … I felt slandered and abandoned with pain. I tried to stay in it. Keep your heart beating, breaking your heart.

The meat was very bad. The sympathetic nervous system did not shut down in any way, which meant a constant taste of metal in the mouth, muscle tremors, crazy weight loss. There was a time when it weighed as much as twelve. It seemed as if he had a fatal disease. It was a disease. A disease of love whose response has just ceased. And yet I worked and tried to keep the children, the dog, and the house alone. One of the scariest experiences was waking up in the middle of the night to find yourself sitting and crying … Have you experienced this? I finally started to get out of it. Thanks to friends, family, time … little by little I began to believe that I too could survive this. Somehow. No, divorce is never good for the children in this case. Children respond to divorce more neutrally or even favorably only when they see that their parents have had a bad time in marriage. Violent. Tortured In our case, there was nothing like it. By the time Remigijus admitted that he lacked joy and an unexpected departure from the house to “think”, the children had heard that their mother was very dear, had no mercy for more than a minute together, was carrying flowers, drinking coffee together. and travel planning. So the whole world, as they seemed to know him, also fell apart for the children. And yet, if you asked me: “Did Remigius and I manage to build a successful family?” Now that I’ve at least been through the initial separation anxiety circles, I can say yes. Really so. We had a wonderful family. Happy family. It seemed to be a very open-speaking family. A union of two very strong people who support each other. For which I am very grateful to Remigijus. Only, unfortunately, this family of ours didn’t last forever, which at least I really expected.

“If you had known that in the end there would be some lack of openness, wouldn’t you have created this marriage?” Maybe I wouldn’t, because this, the final pain, was ultimately too much for me. Suddenly it felt like I was burying the closest person, our house was surrounded by fire and someone else was trying to steal future dreams. But on the other hand, maybe it’s good that he can’t know that ending from the beginning in any way. And yet I want to wish you certainty. Diversity of feelings. All sentiment palettes. Don’t take a sample from us. Invest in your relationship. Abu. Constantly. Build relationships together. Be responsible. He talks very, very openly and constantly. I want to understand that relationships are a constant dance. That loved relationships cannot be exhausted … They never end. If we really love with all our hearts, a relationship is possible only in one direction: in the direction of greater openness and intimacy, ”Agnė wrote on Facebook.

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