Offers interest-free loans to SMEs up to 7,000 Eur


Photo by Judita Grigelytė (VŽ).

Approximately 50 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) will be able to use interest-free small-scale business loans, according to the dedicated € 300,000 financing platform Finbee for Business.

Low-value loans will reach 7,000 euros, and their interest and administration fee will be reimbursed by the crowdfunding platform, according to a press release.

The amount of a loan is between 5 000 and 7 000 EUR and about 50 SMEs will be able to receive such loans. Borrowing opportunities will be evaluated based on the performance of the company until 2020. November 7 – the publication of the second quarantine.

The loan is granted for a period of 6 months without a repayment schedule. In other words, no later than half a year later, the amount awarded will have to be repaid.

“When selecting companies to whom we will be able to grant loans, we will also pay attention to the purpose of the financing. Our priority is not only to help them survive this period, but also to encourage investments in operational efficiency, such as the acquisition of e-commerce solutions and development. of delivery services, ”said Audrius Griškevičius, Director of Finbee Business, in a press release.

According to Finbee for Business, these loans are intended to contribute to state incentives for companies that are recovering.

According to the company, of the 1,564 loans for 71.6 million. Eur, issued through the platform under perhaps the most popular measure “Loans to companies most affected by COVID-19”, there are currently 5 problem loans, their value is 33,500 Eur.

“We believe that this crisis is short-lived. We want to encourage entrepreneurs not to be afraid to think ahead, to prepare adequately for resumption, efficiency or development, because at the end of a difficult time, those who are better off Prepared will recover faster. Today, there is a need to invest in more efficient activities, such as digital solutions, which are unavoidable for almost all growing companies, “says A. Griškevičius.

Funding will be provided until the total aid budget of € 300,000 has been used up. Finbee reminds Business that all registered users on the platform can contribute to loan investments as investors.

VŽ recalls that the decrease in the price of state-supported financing under the “alternative” measure has also attracted the interest of SMEs: the maximum annual interest rate has been set at 7%.

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