Offering new shackles to non-vaccinated strikers also threatens unions.


Linas Slušnys, a member of the Seimas Health Affairs Committee, and Inga Ruginienė, director of the Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation, clashed over such a proposal. The latter affirmed that the non-payment of disability benefits for unvaccinated people could force trade unionists to take to the streets.

“The question is whether it will force the unions to come out and fight for workers’ rights on the streets. We say we don’t necessarily have to connect (to protests – past aut.), but if there is already an attack on workplaces, medical insurance, this is the basis for taking certain actions “, – confirmed I.Ruginienė in the program” Dinių žinios “of” Žinių radijo “.

L. Slušnys: non-vaccinators did not deserve to be paid for incapacity for work

At the suggestion of the Ministry of Social Security and Labor, it is proposed not to pay sickness benefits to people who have not been vaccinated and who have contracted the coronavirus. The exceptions would apply to workers who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons, have become ill a second time without being vaccinated, as well as if they do not receive the vaccine. Whether such a decision will be made will depend on the Seimas.

Member of the Seimas L. Slušnys, who supports the idea of ​​not paying disability benefits for work to people who have not been vaccinated, but have coronavirus, explained that such a decision would be correct with respect to vaccinated people.

“Those who are trying to work can create that good for Lithuania, they only wonder: why can those who are trying to harm or are persecuted by some malicious belief that the vaccine is bad use the same good that we collect together? continue living and building an economy, “said the parliamentarian.

He assured that such a rule would not apply to people who cannot be vaccinated due to health problems. According to the calculations of L. Slušnis, only 2% of those people in Lithuania. According to the Seimas member, all the others who do not get vaccinated “do not deserve to be paid for incapacity for work.”

“And there are some people who have strong beliefs, they are trying to undermine the creation of the universal good, they are trying to make things worse for health facilities, we are going to quarantine again. I think they really do not deserve to be paid for incapacity for work, ”said the representative of the Seimas Health Affairs Commission.

True, he noted that in the case of COVID-19, treatment will continue to be available to everyone, both vaccinated and unvaccinated.

“There are several suggestions. First of all, I must say that treatment will certainly be provided. I have heard rumors that the doctors will no longer give treatment. The duty of a doctor, a vocation, whether you are an abuser, a murderer or an enemy, a friend, you take it and you treat it. Point. There is help here and you don’t see what is going to be there. It’s not about that, ”said L. Slušnys.

However, he added that he thought it would be fairer to pay for the treatment of those who were not vaccinated: “It was thought that perhaps you should pay for the treatment in part or in full. But today, it is unlikely that this path will be taken, despite the fact that, in my opinion, it is not fair to the civil and responsible part of the people. “

I.Ruginienė: I couldn’t imagine it even in the most terrifying nightmare.

I.Ruginienė, head of the Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation, stated that she had not imagined “even in the worst nightmare” that a person belonging to the Seimas Health Affairs Committee could say those words in public.

“With each broadcast message of this type, I feel more and more sad. I will say frankly that there is some nonsense going on. Such competent people who are part of the Health Affairs Committee, even in the most terrible nightmare, they did not imagine that they could speak in such an illogical way, ”he replied to L. Slušnis.

According to I.Ruginienė, if unvaccinated people do not receive disability benefits, they may reasonably wonder if it is worth paying taxes.

“From our point of view, if we talk about promotion of vaccines and passports, restrictions on entertainment, bars, supermarkets, maybe the logic is there. But let us see that the Government deepens with the Seimas and takes such drastic measures that, in my opinion, they do not comply at all with the principles of proportionality.

If we talk about health insurance, if I have paid honest contributions, in case of problems, I will also want to receive certain benefits.

Otherwise, I will have reasonable questions about why I pay taxes and whether it is not worth choosing other paths, because paying taxes step by step becomes an unattractive thing in which we can find less and less sense, ”he lamented. the head of the Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation.

Do politicians have to choose a lesser threat?

For his part, L. Slušnys reversed this situation from the other side and gave his example.

Also, those who pay taxes do not agree that it will not be very attractive on the other hand to pay taxes to those who are vaccinated and see that they go stupid because they are vaccinated, trying to do something. If a person is stubborn, obsessed with new beliefs and gods, he does not vaccinate and harm others, leading to jobs and offices. He is also angry.

In politics, you have to think about what is a major threat and what is minor, “he said.

According to I. Ruginienė, such government proposals are completely incomprehensible and violate established principles. As a result, unions can also rebel.

“The division is that some are very good, others are very bad, I think, and they cause a lot of tension. It is not necessary to be naive, the government is exacerbating and increasing these tensions. They once exploded like an atomic bomb.

People are very deluded. The narrative arises that someone who is vaccinated will be harmed by something. We are all sick and that is why we pay health insurance, taxes, so that we can receive a benefit in case of problems. Where is the equality here? Isn’t this a form of discrimination? The authorities must stop thinking that our citizens are stupid. (…)

If you want to force people to get vaccinated, you can do it with passports, paying for a test, but there is no need to interfere with vital functions: health, the workplace.

This is completely incomprehensible and violates all established principles, ”said the head of the Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation.
