Of the large municipalities, Kaunas is the most successful vaccinated against COVID-19


Of the 5 cities, Kaunas is the most successful, being the first to establish the largest vaccination center on the new ice rink, which is not yet available for its intended use. In Kaunas, 12.65 percent were vaccinated on Wednesday. population (61,180 of the 72,898 doses of vaccine received were used). By Wednesday, 37,094 Kaunas residents had been vaccinated against the infection. The incidence of COVID-19 in Kaunas during the last 14 days is 174.2 new cases per 100,000. population.

Last day 20 new cases of COVID-19 infection were detected in this city, 3,913 people became ill and 18,465 recovered. Of these, 385 named COVID-19 infection as the cause of death. During the last 7 days in Kaunas, after performing 5,276 tests for the detection of infection, the diagnosis of COVID-19 was confirmed in 4.7 percent. cases.

A vaccination center has started operating at Kaunas Ice Palace

A vaccination center has started operating at Kaunas Ice Palace

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

It should be noted that the map of Lithuania compiled according to the COVID-19 morbidity indicators no longer contains the hopeful green territories marked in green as a sign of pandemic management. Diminished on the map and yellow, which was over a week or two ago. Many municipal areas are now in a bright pink or red area. However, according to the latest data from the National Center for Public Health, up to 14 areas (as announced on Wednesday) – in the black zone.

Among the latter is the Vilnius city municipality, where the relative incidence of coronavirus infection in the last two weeks has reached 516 new cases per 100,000 cases. population. In the Vilnius district, where the population density is not as high as in the capital, this indicator is higher: 572 cases. In this last municipality, after 7 days of investigation in 1915, more than 15 percent. COVID-19 cases, in Vilnius: 8.6 percent. (of 17,887 studies carried out per week). To date, 1,141 people living with coronavirus have died in the capital (515 of them from COVID-19).

A vaccination center has started operating at Kaunas Ice Palace

A vaccination center has started operating at Kaunas Ice Palace

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

So far 9.58 percent have been vaccinated in Vilnius. population (94,936 of the 106,287 doses of vaccine received were used). 6.66 percent were vaccinated in the Vilnius district. population of that area, 7,967 doses of vaccine were used out of the 10,786 received.

In Panevėžys, vaccination rates against COVID-19 reach 10.68 percent, in Šiauliai, 10.44 percent, and in Klaipėda, 10 percent. Across Lithuania: 10.33 percent, almost 300 thousand have been vaccinated. population.

However, the municipalities of the district of Šalčininkai (4.6%), Visaginas (5.4%) and the district of Marijampolė (7.97%) are the most behind the national average. In these and in several other municipalities, the differences between the doses of vaccine received and those used for vaccination range from one thousand to several thousand.

ELTA has already announced that 768 new cases of COVID-19 were detected in Lithuania last day, almost 16% more than a week ago. plus. In the last 14 days, 272.3 new cases of contagion have been confirmed for every 100,000 inhabitants. The relative morbidity rate remains the lowest in three municipalities: Pagėgiai (28), Lazdijai d. (45 starts) and in Birštonas (50 starts) 100 Cerdocyon. population.

A vaccination center has started operating at Kaunas Ice Palace

A vaccination center has started operating at Kaunas Ice Palace

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

In the first municipality of this trio (Pagėgiai district), of the 1098 doses of COVID-19 vaccine received, this Wednesday 802 were used and 8.73% were vaccinated here. population. In Lazdijai district, vaccination volumes are higher (10.5%) and Birštonas manages to catch up with the current record holder Neringa in terms of vaccination rates (19.55%).

Epidemiologists (and not only them) are concerned about the situation in the Širvintos district, where, despite accelerated vaccination rates, the relative incidence of COVID-19, according to today’s official statistics, has reached 825 cases. new per 100,000 in the last 14 days. population. In Švenčionys district municipality, this indicator is 538 cases, in Visaginas – 513, and in Marijampolė – 507 cases per 100 thousand. population.

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