NYT: Short has a bank account in China


This information is unfavorable for D. Trump. He has repeatedly accused his Democratic rival Joe Biden of taking a weak stance on Beijing during the election campaign.

In recent days, Trump has repeatedly assured Biden that his son Hunter is involved in business in China and Ukraine. The former vice president has consistently denied it. And Biden’s publicly available tax documents show no connection between his business and China.

In fact, Trump has been in China for many years, writes The New York Times, based on an analysis of his tax returns. Trump’s International Hotels Management reported that it paid more than 188,000 (€ 158,000) in taxes in China in 2013-2015 and negotiated a license here.

The company still has a bank account in China. According to the newspaper, in addition to the fact that the Chinese president has bank accounts in only two other foreign countries: Great Britain and Ireland.

Alan Garten, a lawyer for Mr. Trump’s company, told the newspaper that a bank account had been opened at a Chinese bank with branches in the United States to pay taxes in China. However, since 2015, the company “has not conducted transactions, transactions or other business activities in China.” The company’s China office is already inactive.

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