NVSC: Three more patients died of COVID-19 on Tuesday


“The former pupils of the Antaviliai boarding house died in the COVID-19 unit of the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital, and a former patient of the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital died in the Santara clinics,” Rolanda Lingienė told BNS , Head of the Vilnius Department of NVSC.

According to her, the three deceased were of a respectable age and suffered from comorbid chronic diseases.

According to R. Lingienė, a total of seven Antaviliai pension wards and ten patients from the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital died of coronavirus.

Earlier Tuesday, the Ministry of Health reported another death from coronavirus, but later clarified that although the person had coronavirus, the cause of his death was “related to the progression of cancer disease.”

To date, 71 coronavirus deaths have been officially confirmed, and another 10 have died from other causes.

According to SAM on Tuesday, COVID-19 was detected in 1,727 people in Lithuania.

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