NVSC reported another coronavirus death


An NVSC spokeswoman reported that a patient at the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital died of coronavirus.

According to R. Lingienė, 5 new cases of coronavirus were confirmed at the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital, one of these patients died.

“Today we receive information that a person who had previously been treated in the resuscitation and intensive care unit died, but this death will be included in the statistics tomorrow,” announced R. Lingienė.

Currently, hospitalized patients receive treatment for 97 cases of coronavirus infection, 10 in resuscitation and intensive care units, 3 people in artificial lung ventilation and 33 people in oxygen masks.

All new COVID-19 cases approved on Friday are in Vilnius County. 8 out of 12 are related to fireplaces.

Another reason for the deceased is waiting for answers.

“The person was treated at the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital, he was diagnosed with a coronavirus after his death, but the cause of death is still being clarified, so it is not clear whether the cause will actually be COVID-19 or other cause of death. ” Another case of death: a person was also hospitalized in the same health care institution, internal medicine department and, after the detection of COVID-19, was transferred to the Santara clinics, where he died, “said R. Lingienė.

According to the head of the Vilnius department of the NVSC, a request was made to the Vilnius City Municipality to organize a mobile checkpoint near the house on Pergalės Street, as was done in V. Grybo str. located house.

“We have received a response that, due to the heavy workload, the administration does not intend to do so.” However, once again, I urge employees of the Vilnius municipal administration to find an opportunity to investigate the residents of this place, because, as I mentioned, we have very reasonable doubts that they will go to other stops, “said R. Lingienė.

“1 case is also related to the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital, a family member of the discharged person became ill, therefore 6 out of 12 cases are related to the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital . Case 1 is related to UAB Vilnika, a close relative of the employee who became ill. Furthermore, which is very worrying, a case was registered yesterday in Vilnius, on the Pergal str. home, a third person fell ill. The epidemiological situation in this house is especially unfavorable, because the majority of the population uses common kitchen and sanitary facilities, ”said R. Lingienė.

So far, 54 people in Lithuania were known to have died from this infection.

The exact details will be released on Saturday morning.

R. Lingienė said that from Thursday to Friday there were 5 more cases of coronavirus at the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital. Currently, 31 people, 11 employees and 20 patients of this hospital are sick.

“COVID-19 has also been confirmed in the close relatives of 6 discharged individuals. We are also monitoring the links between the focus of this infection and the Antavilių pension, Pergalės street, Vilnius municipal company, Vilnius public transport.

Yesterday <...> This hospital has been found to have significant irregularities related to the risk of spreading a contagious disease. “The flow of feverish and feverless patients and staff in the admission department continues to be inadequate, personal protective equipment is not worn correctly, and sufficient distances are not maintained between patient beds in the cardiology, resuscitation and intensive care, “said R. Lingienė.

The violations have already been directed at various institutions, and on Monday, according to R. Lingienė, violations of the public interest will also be directed to the Vilnius Regional Prosecutor’s Office.

When asked by the Minister if the opening of the borders with Latvia and Estonia will not increase the number of infections, A. Veryga replied that the risk always remains, but the situation will be monitored and the incidence in the Baltic States is similar.


Santara Clinics has not yet breathed

Feliksas Jankevičius, Director General of the Santara Clinics of the Vilnius University Hospital, said at a press conference that he does not yet feel relief from the coronavirus clinic and that there are still patients treated for COVID-19 in the hospital. These patients, according to F. Jankevičius, need high-tech devices that support their vital functions.

“We are happy that we no longer have foci of infection in Antavili, but we still have infected patients in other regional hospitals. 7 of them are treated at Ukmergė Hospital, a significant number of patients go to other hospitals, for example, the Clinical Hospital Antakalnis has 15 infected and treated patients there, ”said F. Jankevičius.

According to the director of the Santara clinics, Lithuania announced the necessary quarantine measures in time and avoided the scenario of Italy and the United States.

According to Renaldas Jurkevičius, Director General of the Kaunas Clinics, this hospital has so far managed to avoid a case of medical or patient infection in the hospital.

National Center for Public Health (NVSC) May 15. according to:

  • Number of confirmed cases in specific people: 1523
  • Number of sick people: 498
  • Number of new COVIDs 19 confirmed yesterday: 12
  • Number of 19 deaths from COVID: 54
  • Deaths from coronavirus from other causes: 6
  • Number of people recovered: 965
  • Number of people in isolation: 260
  • All countries are considered affected areas.

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