NVSC plan for celebrations: only with people with whom we are in constant contact


According to specialists from the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), in order not to make the situation even more threatening after the holidays, it is important that we communicate with as few people as possible, and only with those who belong to our so-called “social bubble “both now and during the holidays.

In other words, specialists recommend communicating during the holidays only with members of our family, with whom we live in the same house, and with others, to “meet” remotely, with the help of modern technologies.

NVSC specialists point out that the great Christmas season is threatening because in the cold season, unlike other times of the year, meetings are usually held in closed and poorly ventilated rooms, and during the holidays there is relaxation, meeting at the table and without mask.

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Rolanda Lingienė

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min / Rolanda Lingienė

According to Rolanda Lingienė, head of the Vilnius department of NVSC, the golden rule of winter holidays 2020, which we all must follow: stay at home, in the closest family circle, and thus give each other the most precious gifts among us: lives.

“Without society, without all the human effort in this fight, we are alone, as in a battle without a general. Can we expect a success story we were reluctantly talking about in the middle of spring? Without people, this is simply not possible. So I urge each of us to do our best not to make decisions about who will live and who will die. It definitely depends on the behavior of each one of us in this critical period for the whole country, ”says R. Lingienė.

At the same time, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control also recommends avoiding unnecessary travel during this festive period, creating a small “social bubble” with as few people as possible, but even allowing a festive period with your loved ones. of the “social bubble”. Observe the basic rules of hygiene, limit the time you spend together indoors.
