NVSC classifies companies into risk groups and warns that a case of coronavirus must be treated at lightning speed


As Asta Razmienė, Head of the Public Health Control Division of the Vilnius Department of the NVSC Vilnius, reported during the training, everyone should be aware that coronavirus can occur in any workplace.

“We must all realize that the coronavirus can occur anywhere, in any workplace. And the risk of jobs is determined by the close distance of less than 1 meter between people, the frequent contact between people,” he said.

NVSC divides the risk of workplaces according to SAM recommendations, they are assigned a medium risk indicator.

Low-risk jobs include the following professions: caregiver, telecommuting. Medium risk: employees of stores, schools, stations, large groups. High risk includes employees of personal health institutions, social security employees visiting and caring for people at home, work related to the transportation of remains, research, work with sewage. High-risk activities: showgirls, athletes.

Universal protective equipment: hand hygiene, coughing, sneezing, hygiene, and conditions for workers to stay home if they feel unwell (i.e., have fever, cough, shortness of breath). A distance of at least 1 meter must be maintained between employees and customers.

Otherwise, additional measures are required. It can be barriers, partitions. Also, transplant employees so that they do not sit face to face, avoid direct physical contact, queue management.

During the quarantine, the coronavirus spread in a team after a birthday commemoration in a team with coffee and cake. Therefore, you are called to abandon any collective labor concentration.

Medical, tissue or panel?

A. Razmienė recommended who should wear a medical mask and when a material one.

“The most important thing is that the masks must be one of the tools, they cannot be the only tool. Because wearing a mask alone is not enough. (…) The use of medical masks by symptomatic health workers, people who work with people with coronavirus, workers in the food industry, people at risk. Fabrics: in public transport, shops. These masks are designed to protect others, but they do not protect the wearer himself, ”said an NVSC representative.

NVSC classifies companies into risk groups and warns that a case of coronavirus must be treated at lightning speed

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

He stressed that face shields cannot be the only means of protection either.

“They are only intended to protect the eyes from inhalation of viruses, aerosols or other particles. They are used in place of goggles. Shields do not protect the respiratory tract and cannot be used in place of masks or respirators,” he said.

He also remembered about protective gloves.

“There are those who think that if you wear gloves, you no longer have to worry about hand hygiene, that’s definitely not the case,” said an NVSC spokeswoman.

In workplaces, it is recommended that all containers be opened without touching hands.

What to do if the infection enters the workplace?

Ginreta Megelinskienė, Head of the Communicable Disease Management Division of the Vilnius Department of the NVSC, presented what companies should do when a disease occurs.

“It is necessary not only to create a plan of what to do, but also to organize training periodically. Also, to develop procedures for the rapid identification of individuals and those who have been exposed to the coronavirus, since the case already requires a rapid response. In addition, preparing a communication strategy, both internal and external ”, recommended G. Megelinskienė.

The epidemiologist emphasized the importance of following the routes of movement of infected people published by the NVSC. It also helped control an outbreak.

“I would like to give a simple example, in a business center there is a cafe where an employee has been diagnosed with a disease. When we announced the address of this cafe, the staff of that business center approached us en masse. A significant proportion of workers had to isolate themselves as their exposure was considered high risk. And so this spread of the outbreak was controlled ”, said G. Megelinskienė as an example of success.

NVSC classifies companies into risk groups and warns that a case of coronavirus must be treated at lightning speed

© DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

According to the rapporteur, there are three main steps.

“The first thing is to clean and disinfect the environment, then please provide a list of employees who have been in contact with the person, it must contain the name, surname, date of birth, position, telephone number. Communication with the NVSC will continue, “said an NVSC representative,

The epidemiologist recalled that the investigation must be carried out for the entire workplace, not immediately and not the day after the news.

“Investigations must be carried out no earlier than 5 days after contact,” he recalled.

G. Megelinskienė recalled that a negative result of a coronavirus test in contact with an infected person does not mean that 14 days of isolation can be completed.

“A 14-day isolation is applied despite a negative test result,” the epidemiologist recalled.

“Recently, the number of chimneys in enterprises is growing, there are certain social reasons. It is very important to assess the possibilities of complying with prevention measures. And telecommuting itself should be considered, ”said an NVSC representative during the training.

What if a family member of a company employee isolates himself after having contact?

“The contact persons of exposed persons do not represent a risk. In this case, the family member has to isolate himself and the employee can go to work because there is no risk. If a family member had been diagnosed with coronavirus and had been in contact with him during the infectious period, he would have to isolate himself ”, answered G. Megelinskienė to this frequently asked question.

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