Nutritionist Doctor: On Detoxification – Not only won’t it help, but it will also do a lot of harm.


Urges not to attack detoxification.

According to the dietitian, detoxification is often associated with cleansing; It is believed that the body must cleanse itself of any toxins that are supposed to accumulate in the body. Proponents of detox say that this can be done with a specific diet, such as drinking only kefir for a few days, taking herbal remedies, teas, or even diuretics, liquid medications.

“However, I will be unpopular and deny that these methods are justified and necessary. Detoxification is a completely normal and continuous process in the body for which our organs are responsible. These are the kidneys, liver, skin and intestines. The body performs all its functions perfectly, and we are definitely not going to make fun of our body, ”said D. Vaitkevičiūtė.

The doctor warns that taking extra measures can only harm and detoxification can be harmful.

Dahlia Vaitkevičiūtė

Dahlia Vaitkevičiūtė

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

Toxins and slag, according to the interlocutor of the program, are formed during chemical reactions in our body. Environmental effects, the consumption of psychoactive substances and unhealthy foods impact.

“As long as the body can cope with it, as long as the organs function normally and we do not have their diseases, the detoxification function is performed by the body itself and we will not help it by taking some preparations,” said D. Vaitkevičiūtė.

As the interlocutor said, patients often come to the doctor’s office for rashes, blackened eyes or fatigue and believe that these problems are due to the malfunction of any organ.

“But first we have to do a general investigation, an investigation on certain organs. Then we can know if there is a problem. However, it is not possible to decide for yourself that the body is intoxicated and the body is contaminated. We have some guidelines and tests that determine if the organs are working well, “said the doctor.

Nutritionist Doctor: On Detoxification - Not only won't it help, but it will also do a lot of harm.

After a detox diet – upon reception

One of the most popular “detox” diets, according to the doctor’s nutritionist, is the buckwheat diet, which some follow for 2 weeks and a month. However, the human body constantly needs a variety of nutrients, trace elements and vitamins, so by limiting ourselves to just one product, we harm the body much more than we help.

“The result of such diets is seen a little later. We have several situations in which people, following the diet of a product, are even in the reception departments”, warned D. Vaitkevičiūtė.



We can also cause harm by using detoxifying teas. Particularly dangerous are the teas that are not sold in pharmacies but in any informal market. These herbs usually have various impurities.

“Currently, the US Food and Drug Administration has counted about 700 of them: various preparations and herbs that are supposed to help clean. And in fact, there are all kinds of substances that are detrimental to function. For this reason, I really do not recommend resorting to various herbal preparations without consulting your doctor. Also, they can interfere with the function of other medications you are taking and block their action, “said the dietitian.

D. Vaitkevičiūtė emphasizes that no detoxification method (teas, supplements or diets) is scientifically proven. It is true that there have been several studies that have tried to show a detoxifying effect, but none have shown positive results.



Bowel cleansing procedures will only harm

Detoxification is attempted not only through tea or diet, but also through bowel cleansing procedures. These procedures are performed in some Lithuanian clinics. But what do they really do?

“Naturally, after such cleansing of the intestine, a person generally feels elevated, lighter, because he has lost some fluids or several kilograms. However, I want to seriously warn those who are performing these procedures. By cleaning our intestines, we cleanse not only bad bacteria but also good bacteria. Our microbiota is altered and the intestine can start to work worse than before. Be careful, this is not a panacea. Cleaning the intestines will not help you lose weight or be healthier, “said D. Vaitkevičiūtė.

Also, various necessary trace elements are lost after such a procedure. Doing so often can interfere with the electrolyte’s function.

Basic rules to maintain a healthy body.

To maintain a healthy body and body and have as few free radicals as possible that work with too much food and alcohol, you need to follow some simple, time-tested rules.

First of all, reduce your alcohol intake, drink more water.

According to the doctor, water is the body’s broom. Water is excreted through the kidneys, purifying all toxic substances.



“I highly recommend giving up processed products and those that are high in sugar. They cause worse functioning of the organs. We must not forget about sleep, during which the body is detoxified more intensively,” he said. the speaker of the show.

The dietitian advises taking more active care of your intestines and microbiota, using products rich in probiotics, such as fermented dairy products. Also products rich in prebiotics: various fibers, seeds, sauerkraut.

According to D. Vaitkevičiūtė, by taking care of the body, we will also increase its detoxifying function. It is also important to include sports and health-promoting products in your diet.

“Always have at least 4-5 servings of vegetables and fruits in your diet per day, eat good fats: fish, nuts, olive oil. I suggest not to give in to popular detoxification methods and not get caught up in entrepreneurs,” he advises. the interviewee.

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