Not sure what to put under the Christmas tree? Experts propose inexpensive gift ideas


Christmas is often associated with piles of gifts under the Christmas tree. However, what needs to be put underneath is often a headache.

Psychologists have already recognized that some people were anxious about work and income when the first quarantine came. Part of the workers were put into inactivity, part was cut in salary. Just before Christmas, Lithuanians underwent a second quarantine, and similar scenarios are repeated.

It is economically difficult due to the pandemic, and the Christmas period requires even more additional costs. Here is a list of pretty and inexpensive Christmas gift ideas.

    Christmas presents

For the family

The Masters of Calm awareness festival shared a list of gift ideas for family members with Justina, a spokeswoman for the festival, says creativity is important when collecting gifts. Self-created gifts are more personal and should be created with a specific person in mind.

“No matter who the gift is to, a family member, a close friend, or a co-worker, all you need to know is what would make the person happy. Sweets will like homemade chocolate, fans of aesthetics will have a handmade vase, and those who spend winter afternoons with a book will have homemade incense or a candle ”, says Justina.

Justina names delicacies as one of the best gifts. According to her, treats are always enjoyable, and even if you make them yourself, Justina says, it’s absolutely great. You can make homemade nut butter, various cookies, homemade chocolate chip, granola, cupcakes.

“You can make everyone happy in the kitchen one night,” Justina says.

Perfume, incense, or candles can also make a great gift. And with the necessary tools, as Justina says, it’s hard to make these things easy enough.

You can also donate cozy interior details like your own handmade vase, chandeliers, drawings made by yourself, or even Christmas decorations.

An adventure together can also be a good gift.

“Christmas is about connecting with loved ones, so sharing experiences together is one of the most precious gifts,” says Justina.

Another idea that Justina shares are gift vouchers for loved ones. Justina encourages not to buy coupons, but to invent them herself. The other half can be given a coupon for a date in complete silence, a dinner, a foot massage, a conversation during which they will be allowed to speak. Kids can get a coupon for a day with mom or dad, a full day on the computer, and more.

You can also create a song, poem, or just write a thank you letter for Christmas.

Christmas presents

For friends

Alvyda Jasilionytė, an expert in image and etiquette, presented the list of gift ideas to her friends. According to her, it is important to think about the person to whom the gift will be given. In his opinion, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money to find a good gift: a few euros are enough to surprise a person.

“Always collect a gift with the person in mind, their hobbies, activities, suggestions. It is attention to each other. The gift is also an exchange of energy. We share love, care, we wish goodness, health, success, happiness. <...> You need to plan and prepare in advance. Buy online from small manufacturers or local developers, create and produce yourself ”, says A. Jasilionytė from

According to the image expert, friends, as well as family members, should receive thoughtful and carefully selected gifts.

A. Jasilionytė says that it is possible to give friends pictures painted by their favorite artist, drawings of an object important to them, postcards.

Also, according to A. Jasilionytė, a great gift is books, scarves, tickets to a movie or a show, gift cards for a coffee, creams, perfumes. Christmas decorations can also be donated.

According to the image expert, food is also great for friends as a gift. You can donate spices, gourmet delicacies, duck or goose, holiday cookies, rustic smoked meats, wine, tea or coffee. If a friend lives in town, a rustic fruit or vegetable box would be great too.

The image expert also mentions gifts that reflect the current situation. People can also receive Covid-19 hygiene kits: disinfectants, gloves, masks.

Reusable face masks

For people involved in labor matters

Gift master Odeta Plakienė presents a list of gift ideas for people involved in work. O. Plakienė says that this year the situation regarding gifts is still unclear. Quarantine has been introduced in Lithuania, some companies work remotely, so you need to first think about how the gifts will get to their recipients.

O. Plakienė says that gifts for people related to work matters should be divided into two groups: when co-workers give each other gifts and when their boss gives gifts to their employees.

When coworkers give gifts to each other (in this case, according to O. Plakienė, it is also attributed when employees give gifts to their boss), handmade gifts are also perfect.

“A set of cookies, cake, teas, condiments or jams selected by oneself always gives attention and comfort. Maybe someone knows how to make soap, pour candles, make Christmas wreaths, work with wood or the like, ”says O. Plakienė.

If you are still shopping for a gift for a co-worker, it is important that the gift has a message.

“For example, if you want all of a colleague’s dreams to come true, you can present a fancy notebook to jot down those dreams and plan for them to come true. When inviting to celebrate the fierce and loud parties, a fun gift would be a set of Bengali bonfires and confetti. I believe that the exceptional toy of a Christmas tree will always find a place in the house of a colleague and will remind him of the donor for a long time, ”says O. Plakienė.

The gifts that a boss gives to employees can vary. The Christmas gift list published by “Gift Masters” includes headphones, remote roulette, table games, special glasses for working with a computer, notebooks, promotional clothing and other examples of gifts.

Christmas presents

What not to donate?

Giftmaster O. Plakienė says that in any case, one should not give a gift that emphasizes a person’s shortcomings or contradicts his views.

Let’s say a person does not drink alcohol and receives Christmas mulled wine. Suppose a person’s sensitive topic is body weight and scales are assigned to better control weight. There are marginal variants here, but by way of illustration ”, says O. Plakienė.

Small trinkets without any purpose should also be avoided, and great care should be taken when choosing an interior detail. Additionally, animals or other binding gifts must never be given as gifts.
