Not only medicine will help improve digestion: follow these tips


Camelia pharmacist Ieva Sauseryt farmacéut and Kaunas Cardiolitis Clinics physician Benas Sakalauskas advise the media on how to recognize the causes of dyspepsia and alleviate symptoms.

The reason may be in the lifestyle.

According to pharmacist I. Sauserytė, indigestion usually manifests itself in the form of bloating, diarrhea or constipation, colic, increased belching or weight changes. “We have noticed that due to indigestion, the number of patients who contact us has increased significantly since the beginning of the quarantine. This is influenced by lack of exercise, change in eating habits and, of course, increased levels. stress ”, says I. Sauserytė.

Ieva Sauserytė

Ieva Sauserytė

© Photo of the organization

For those who notice symptoms of indigestion, the specialist advises not to rely solely on information, diagnoses or self-medication found on the Internet, since not all sources of medical articles are reliable.

“If the symptoms are short-lived, that is, they do not last more than two days, contact your pharmacist. They will always recommend not only medications, but also advise what natural remedies can help alleviate discomfort, because, when treated in a “popular” way, it can sometimes do more harm than good, “emphasizes pharmacist I. Sauserytė.

From herbs to abdominal massage

If you recognize symptoms of dyspepsia, such as diarrhea or constipation, your pharmacist will recommend drinking mineral-rich liquids (3-4 liters) and avoiding caffeine. In case of increased acidity, a decoction of flax or banana seeds, calendula tea or sea buckthorn oil can be used to treat stomach wounds.

“If you have a swollen belly, try gently massaging it to remove the accumulated gas,” says I. Sauserytė, but emphasizes once again that prolonged or frequent digestive disorders can indicate much more serious health problems.

It is important to monitor health changes

Gastroenterologist Benas Sakalauskas states that almost one in five people feel one or another symptom of dyspepsia, but 75%. the exact cause of such patients is unknown; then a diagnosis of functional dyspepsia is made.

Benas Sakalauskas

Benas Sakalauskas

© Photo of the organization

“Only about 25 percent. Those who complain of digestive disorders will have an organic pathology, a cause that can be determined through research. These may include stomach ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease, bile duct disease, pancreatitis, use frequent painkillers, inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal circulatory disorders, diabetes, etc., and in other cases, the doctor can not determine the causative factor.

However, although the causes of indigestion or fullness are often unknown, several hypotheses have been made about the appearance of these unpleasant sensations. Dyspepsia can be caused by changes in the intestinal microflora, disturbances in motility, or intestinal sensations. This can often be affected by stress or changes in diet.

“Before going to the pharmacist or doctor, each patient should have a structured assessment of their symptoms: when they occurred and under what circumstances. Also, if you are under 60 years old and you notice at least one of the warning symptoms (weight loss for not following a diet, suffering from anemia, vomiting, etc.), it is necessary to consult a family doctor “, warns doctor B. Sakalauskas. However, if you have indigestion in an elderly patient, you should not wait for the signs and look for immediate medical attention.

In the event that digestive disorders do not have a pathological cause, exercise, review of eating habits and stress management can improve well-being. Dyspepsia may be harmless, but it really interferes with the enjoyment of life and daily tasks.

“Take care of your health and do not pay for even the smallest changes in your well-being. By providing information about perceived symptoms to pharmacists or doctors, it will be possible to identify the causes of indigestion more quickly and accurately and restore your quality of life. and well-being again ”, urges pharmacist I. Sauserytė.

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